Why Nostr?What is Njump?
jackspirko / Jack Spirko
2023-06-24 20:32:31

jackspirko on Nostr: So the narrative from the MSM is 1. A guy sold hot dogs on the street in the USSR and ...

So the narrative from the MSM is

1. A guy sold hot dogs on the street in the USSR and spent time in the clink for petty shit.

2. He then became a rich restaurant owner and Putin's personal chef

3. In his spare time he was "the guy who used Russian disinformation to get Trump elected in 2016".

4. He then ended up running a personal private Army of 10K men

5. He then turns on Putin and marches his army toward Moscow

6. Then with no confrontation at all he stopped, turned around and went back

7. This is all 100% accurate reporting by the American media.

This then all results in "It is time to send more money and weapons to Ukraine".

But people like me are the conspiracy theorists? 🤷
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