Why Nostr? What is Njump?
2024-05-10 00:37:42
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TK CTV on Nostr: This is a very narrow window of observation tho, blue. Over the vast arc of things ...

This is a very narrow window of observation tho, blue. Over the vast arc of things bitcoin has moved immensely from what it used to be. The ease of use today is heaps better than what it used to be. That being said, our short term expectations of what we would like bitcoin to be, are vastly immense compared to what is possible.

We're literally building the foundation for the future of money, you don't just change that shit on a whim whenever you feel like it cuz since feature is wanted by people. You must take into consideration that every change for the most part must be taken into consideration in lieu of everything else. This make change slow and hard to implement.
Here's a better framing for how to think about bitcoin. In the timeline of bitcoin we are but of little significance in comparison to it. We should do our best to foster it for future generations as it will be them that benefit the most.
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