Why Nostr? What is Njump?
2024-06-16 05:55:03
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mikedilger on Nostr: The quote from Rothschild was the first thing that got me fact checking. Of course ...

The quote from Rothschild was the first thing that got me fact checking. Of course controlling the money is more power than being the elected leader... but there is no source - I don't believe the Rothschilds ever said the quote, or if they did it was scrubbed from history because there is no credible source. The person who is claimed to have said it (as shown in his movie) wasn't even alive in World War I, he died in the 1800s, but the movie at that point leads you to believe otherwise. So that kind of pissed me off and led me to feel like I was being deceived and indoctrinated rather than being educated.

I totally believe the JFK assassination was multiple shooters arranged by powerful people and the CIA was somehow involved. But I don't conclude precisely who or why because I haven't dug that deep. Maybe this movie could give me more info, but it's hard to watch when I already don't trust it.
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