Why Nostr? What is Njump?
2024-06-04 12:35:26
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henrixd on Nostr: It shouldn't be that hard to have window.nostr added. I first tought of using ...

It shouldn't be that hard to have window.nostr added. I first tought of using existing extension but many of them just save private key in plain text. I'm actually looking into that right now and trying to make friends with Rust, D-Bus and Secret Service but we'll have to see how well that goes, no promises. I should definately be able to put something together. Allready have window.nostr object added from my node module and JS talking to Rust backend through Tauri calls.

Also already managed to make some test saves to KWallet from Rust so basicly I should have most of the pieces already. Still have to put them togheter in a user friendly way. Maybe add some backup alternative saving place for those who don't have KWallet, Gnome-Keyring or KeePass which all should work with Secret Service. Anyway, I'm sure there still are many problems to solve along the way so we'll see.
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