Why Nostr?What is Njump?
Luna / Luna
2024-05-08 12:27:12
in reply to nevent1q…6w00

Luna on Nostr: I didn't go into my marriage thinking about "benefits". Admittedly, I was very young. ...

I didn't go into my marriage thinking about "benefits". Admittedly, I was very young. But I entered into my marriage with the idea of a forever marriage. I wanted to build a future together with my now ex-husband. A family. A life together. I always enjoyed being a housewife and mother. I wasn't bored. And my ex liked it too. We decided together that I would be a housewife. We didn't have any financial problems. We had a functioning company. However, I have to admit that staying at home also made me extremely dependent on my ex-husband, which was dramatically noticeable. I went through some very difficult times. Boredom wasn't my issue and I certainly didn't give up quickly either.
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