Why Nostr? What is Njump?
2024-05-27 16:44:24
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TK CTV on Nostr: Nonsensical position to have. You can NEVER be certain of unintended consequences. ...

Nonsensical position to have.

You can NEVER be certain of unintended consequences. EVER. (Ie taproot/segwit having the effects they currently do)

There's literally a 100% chance something you do today has an unintended consequence on your life/plan for the day/ loved one etc. If you want 0 unintended consequences stay the fuck inside your little bubble.

CHANGE is consequential to improving bitcoin. Every possible scenario can never be gamed out, if they could one would have infinite knowledge of the future, which we know none of us possess. The future is uncertain, we must asses the change we DO make with the highest risk/reward trade offs that we can muster.

Bitcoin just IS and that is enough, if you can't adapt to what it is, instead of what you think it should be, then it is you that has a problem with adjusting your worldview. Don't force your view on the world, enjoy the view knowing your viewing is enough to adapt to the coming change.
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