Why Nostr? What is Njump?
2023-08-30 22:30:49

hhooddll on Nostr: So, currently 25 cents will get you approximately 900 sats. 100 people hourly DCAing ...

So, currently 25 cents will get you approximately 900 sats. 100 people hourly DCAing 900 sats will accumulate almost 8 Bitcoin in a year. 10 million people doing this will accumulate over 788,000 bitcoin in a year.

This is why NgU and why NgU would not allow 10’s of millions of people to hourly DCA 900 sats for an extended period of time.

How long do you think you’ll be able to accumulate 900 sats/hour?

Tell 10 million friends and let’s find out! #900sats
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