Why Nostr? What is Njump?
2023-08-03 07:04:45
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rambler on Nostr: Interesting timeline and good points Rune. The personal attacks without any debunking ...

Interesting timeline and good points Rune. The personal attacks without any debunking of the overwhelming burden and of evidence in Hersh’s extremely detailed timeline sadly says it all.

And lets not forget Jens Stoltenberg’s highly dedicated commitment to the destruction of Libya as sitting Norwegian PM. Where he was running all over Europe in the leadup to the 2011 attacks to persuade EU heads-of-states to join in an illegal attack-coalition to terror-bomb and destroy the Libyan civilization. This ultimately became his final admissions trial to become NATO leader. A war initiated without any trace of aggression against any NATO country (or other sovereign nations) by Libya. Completely unprovoked war that lead to western Africa’s most prosperous civilization collapsing in to anarchy and being taken over by Islamic terrorist war-lords from ISIS and Al Quaida affiliated groups, that run open slave-markets to this day. The displacement of hundreds-of-thousands of civilians to a large degree contributed to Europe being flooded with immigrants, in a crisis that is still ongoing.

Of all the bombs dropped on Libya in the 2011 NATO-war, about 10% of them was dropped by Norwegian forces under Stoltenberg.

(the picture below from 2014 reads: “Stoltenberg to shocked Swedish leaders: BOMBED LIBYA TO TRAIN”)
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