Why Nostr? What is Njump?
2023-12-08 18:43:19
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Dakota on Nostr: Voluntary militias will not handle nearly everything. Voluntary militias would not be ...

Voluntary militias will not handle nearly everything. Voluntary militias would not be able to afford the engineering and maintenance of nuclear missiles, jets, or tanks. And this will be necessary to defend yourself against the neighboring group of people that are cooperating to achieve these things. I’m sorry but it is a reality that this technology already exists and cannot be done away with, so your militia needs this technology if it is to stand a chance. Also, your voluntary militia will be less well trained than the trained soldiers of a standing military. So, sorry, you and you your non coercive neighbors just got taken over.

But let’s say that you don’t get taken over. You said courts will be replaced by binding arbitration. Who enforces this arbitration? So day 1 of ancapistan, someone breaks your contract. You challenge them to a duel and get shot and die. Well, that was a nice attempt at ancapistan. If only there was a way for a third party to rule judgement over a contract that didn’t involve violence. That’s what judges are.
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