Why Nostr? What is Njump?
2024-03-27 16:28:07

CryptoCloaks on Nostr: Wow. Today marks 3 years since I quit my corporate job as an Industrial Engineer ...

Wow. Today marks 3 years since I quit my corporate job as an Industrial Engineer Slaying turkeys and jumped all in to run CryptoCloaks full time.

Seriously... Where did the time go?

It was honestly the best and scariest decision of my life.
I still remember my boss telling me "Good luck with that sarcastically." 🤣

Thank you everyone for being on the journey with me.
I wouldn't have made it without you.

If you're ever thinking about doing the same thing, do it. Build your dream and take the leap. You will not regret it. DMs are always open to answer questions.

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