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2024-04-17 21:16:16

7fqx ☘ on Nostr: Watching now with my dinner: ...

Watching now with my dinner:
Theory Underground: James Ellis AKA @ (x) meta_nomad on Nick Land, Philosophy and The Occult, and Zero Accelerationism


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James Ellis (of the Hermitix podcast) also the author of 'Be Not Afraid':


'Be Not Afraid is a fictionalized conversion story of a nihilist turned Christian.

The journey follows a young man caught in the depths of a bakery, a place so disorientating and miserable that he begins to question the repetitions and assumptions of life which have been taught to him by his nefarious boss Ollneek. He soon finds himself in the company of various Guardian Angels, who seek to help him walk in the right direction.

James Ellis is the author of A Methodology of Possession and Exiting Modernity, alongside being the host of Hermitix Podcast.'

cc: #christianstr #bookstr #theorycel
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