Why Nostr?What is Njump?
Super Testnet
2023-12-25 22:19:48
in reply to nevent1q…r06u

Super Testnet on Nostr: The only thing that comes to mind is that you can make a bitcoin address with two ...

The only thing that comes to mind is that you can make a bitcoin address with two spending paths, one of them is a "happy path" allowing the money to be spent the way you want, the other is an "unhappy path" that is only valid after the timelock expires. E.g. the "unhappy path" might let everyone involved have their money back. Or it might let anyone spend the money, which pretty much ensures it will all end up being sent to miners as fees.

The timelock on the "unhappy path" effectively puts a time *limit* on the "happy path." Either do as you're expected to do before the time runs out, or the unhappy path gets triggered and, well, you won't be happy.
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