Why Nostr?What is Njump?
melvincarvalho / Melvin Carvalho
2024-01-31 10:48:23
in reply to nevent1q…zxue

melvincarvalho on Nostr: Either put it on your profile or in an extended profile, e.g., with nosdav storage. ...

Either put it on your profile or in an extended profile, e.g., with nosdav storage. Everything else will get nuked eventually. But I dont think too much can be stuffed in a profile. There's no robust solution to this currently. There's no robust solution to this class of problems until nostr gains a social graph, like facebook. For that you need personal storage. Alternatively you can put them in a list, but they are not guaranteed to last, and users will get confused. Main issue is that relays are not designed to store data, and that will never change.
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