Why Nostr? What is Njump?
2024-04-30 06:59:19

kiwi on Nostr: Just ordered ‘the story of civilization’ by Durant series, after seeing a thread ...

Just ordered ‘the story of civilization’ by Durant series, after seeing a thread about societal conviction to religion, and how the wanes and revives or evolves as that collective spirals through hard times & weak -> strong men (through sacrifice / service for a higher power)

And how, considering the hedonism and complacency that good times bring, we inevitably find ourselves stuck in a feedback loop.

Then to tie it all off, thinking in contrast to all of this, how Cason and many others discuss how Bitcoin is Messianic / god given tool.. 🧐

Really looking forward to digging into these.

I already have so many books to chew through, but these took my interest as someone newer to Christianity than I am to Bitcoin.

Y am I like this 😂
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