Why Nostr? What is Njump?
2024-06-06 18:58:16

mandana on Nostr: My very well off, close friends continue to tell me they are worried about their ...

My very well off, close friends continue to tell me they are worried about their financial future. So they buy vacation rental properties (I have too much money). They push themselves to work 80 hour weeks (gotta hit the quota for that bonus). They cut short parental leave after having a child (not making an income will just "freak them out" even if they could afford it).

What is this girl who is on year 3 of doing a #Bitcoin podcast to do?

roleplayed the Yuppie Elite perfectly in this older episode of . I have to admit it breaks my heart a little that this is who they continue to be. But they are only hurting themselves. And their families.

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