Why Nostr? What is Njump?
2023-12-08 03:50:46
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Dakota on Nostr: But that’s not the situation at all. The rapist is getting raped and doesn’t get ...

But that’s not the situation at all. The rapist is getting raped and doesn’t get anything good or wanted in return. With taxes, you do get good things in return. And even if you don’t directly get them, other people do, and that’s so so good for you because we live in a society where we all benefit many order of magnitudes greater than what we could on our own because of the division of labor. That’s straight from the book Human Action by Austrian economist Ludwig Von Mises.

Also, the raped person doesn’t get to be involved with the process of creating the terms of the exchange. In a good healthy functioning state, that would be the case.
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