Why Nostr?What is Njump?
2024-02-21 17:30:17

arkinox on Nostr: nielliesmons is an absolute treasure. He never misses. 🙏💎 Thank you OpenSats ...

nielliesmons (npub149p…722q) is an absolute treasure. He never misses. 🙏💎 Thank you OpenSats (npub10pe…n34f)
I'm asking because I've got a strong feeling these same questions will be asked about:
Login forms, Telegram-like chats, Profile pages, Modals for DVM selection, Videos, Image carousels, Settings pages, Modals for payment/subscription flows, Comment sections, Reviews, Skeletons, Icons, etc...

Knowing that:
1. They will all need to be responsive and look good together.
2. That few devs really want to spend time on these because it's not the core of their app.
3. That I would just get these right once, copy-paste them and change the accent colour and the logo. And I would then see 10 different people build 10 very similar components in a very sub-optimal way, using 10 different component libraries that don't really fit Nostr apps.
4. No dev wants to do all of this again for an android app or another platform.
5. I do not personally care if some apps look kind of similar in this bootstrap phase of Nostr. Especially if it makes them work better, be more beautiful and if it adds recognisability and usability for the users. If it for example has flows like this built in: nevent1q…y5dl

So, all of this to say it might be time for me to get serious, find some collaborators and make this a thing.
(built on NDK for web, at first, and adaptable with Tailwind CSS, then Android)

I want to see guys like you, PABLOF7z (npub1l2v…ajft), arkinox (npub1ark…h43w), franzap (npub1wf4…dgh9), Gzuuus (npub1gzu…a5ds), etc... focus on what you do best instead of trying to get pixel spacings and slide-out animations right.
And more importantly I want apps like Nostrocket, Yondar, Zapstr, Highlighter, Zap.store, Vendata, CollabLemon, Nostree, ... to be badass asap.

I started laying the groundwork for the design system over here: https://www.figma.com/file/1bvslVfr7akG1C6Qo8dgWK/INK?type=design&node-id=0%3A1&mode=design&t=DBp2QsF4kmoGRmNm-1

Do you think this is a good idea? Or is this too #cathedral? Please devils-advocate me on this 😉
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