Why Nostr? What is Njump?
2023-04-11 11:31:28 GMT

pjv on Nostr: Sorry, I think Amethyst is great work but I think everything in this note is wrong. ...

Sorry, I think Amethyst is great work but I think everything in this note is wrong.

Reports are bad.
Relays introspecting content is bad.
Play store and Apple store are bad.
Play Store and Apple store policies are bad.
Complying with bad policies is bad.

Changing the world for the better means breaking away from the old, bad stuff and charting a new course.
Also relays should definitely take action. Delete reports that the relay consider invalid or consider as valid an keep them.

All apps assume the user's relay is actively reviewing these and Both the Play Store and the Apple store require relays to review reports.
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