Why Nostr? What is Njump?
2024-06-16 12:16:05

Padoc2robert on Nostr: ...



The results from our pilot project successfully validated our initial theory. Digital asset compute is not only possible but also an economically viable option to reduce methane emissions from landfills. Marathon and Nodal successfully captured methane from a landfill, converted it into electricity, and used it to power Nodal’s data center. For data center operators like Marathon and Nodal, the project was financially advantageous, as we realized a lower-than-industry average cost for computing with reliably high uptime. For the landfill, which previously did not have an incentive to put the methane gas into productive use, digital asset compute provided a catalyst to reduce emissions more effectively by creating a new income stream that otherwise could not have been generated. This project was, indeed, a win-win for all parties involved.

Furthermore, we believe the techniques and insights gained from this project open the door to new opportunities at landfill sites and other industries where we can leverage our energy harvesting technologies to tap underutilized or wasted energy sources and turn them into productive, more sustainable assets.
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