Why Nostr? What is Njump?
2024-01-20 16:40:38

BTCtoOblivion on Nostr: Canadians still think that Conservatives will fix the housing crisis. They have no ...

Canadians still think that Conservatives will fix the housing crisis. They have no incentives to fix the housing market when you know half of conservatives are landlords but I guess let conservative win the next election and let people realize that politics, regulations and law don't change anything but incentives do.

As said, you can't fix current system by staying in the current system. You need to opt out of this current system by studying and investing in #bitcoin.

People need to stop relying on politicians, industrialists, crony capitalists and they have to take their own responsibility by becoming their own bank and by separating money from the state. That's the only solution and the 2 party system is doomed to fail.


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