Why Nostr? What is Njump?
2023-03-16 11:43:14

maks on Nostr: GM Nostrspace! After few days working on building fynstr.com (a marketplace to offer ...

GM Nostrspace!
After few days working on building fynstr.com (a marketplace to offer services instead of products) for #NostrHack I would like to share some of my thoughts:
1. A lot of people have already built plenty of great applications around nostr which help a lot new and future developers
2. Easy concepts sometimes become quite complex in the practise (probably this is due to my lack of coding practice)
3. A good UX/UI is vital to increase the chances of potential adoption
4. Good frontend is not easy
5. Production environments are not for free. People spend their own money to maintain servers and domains for the community. Support developers and open source code
6. Permissionless is awesome

Nostr has spiked again my interest for coding and build applications and it’s being a great experience so far. Thanks to all nostriches who build open source code 💜
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