Why Nostr? What is Njump?
2024-05-27 16:19:36
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marksea on Nostr: I got married in Tuscany (rented a villa for 4 days). 22 people total included myself ...

I got married in Tuscany (rented a villa for 4 days). 22 people total included myself and wife. It was AT LEAST 1/5 the price of starting amounts anywhere we looked in our area of the US.

Destination wedding is a good option for people wanting to cut down the invite list too.

Plus it was far more intimate and we got to enjoy the actual wedding day instead of running around thanking 200 people we barely knew. Win win.

Wasn’t as cheap as yours (I would have been all in on your itinerary, but very hard sell for my wife haha), but we saved a ton compared to staying in the US.
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