Why Nostr?What is Njump?
Dissident Sound
2024-05-08 20:46:58
in reply to nevent1q…2nk8

Dissident Sound on Nostr: you think there are people trying to become elites but being held out and they are ...

you think there are people trying to become elites but being held out and they are angry and will revolt ...

i disagree. people at the top know who has and who doesn't have what it takes to be at the top. if you have what it takes you will be let in without a struggle and if you don't you're not going to make it to the top regardless.

yes some people don't understand that they don't belong and find out the hard way. Kanye West couldn't understand his place for example. Che Guevara had no chill.

but overall it isn't so much a struggle of climbing to the top but a process of discovering what your place is.
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