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mckontext / Kontext
2024-05-01 14:34:49

mckontext on Nostr: Day 200 of 100+ pushups per day. Probably the first day I totaled 300+ LFG Today's ...

Day 200 of 100+ pushups per day. Probably the first day I totaled 300+
Today's sets if anyone cares: 50 normal/narrow, 30 pike, 25 normal/narrow on fingertips, 30 wide, 20 diamond, 20 side-to-side, 26 staggered, 30 spiderman, 20 pseudo, 30 normal/narrow on knuckles, 21 explosive, 30 elevated
Total: 332
#100aDayTil100k #100aDayTilIDie #tunestr
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