Why Nostr? What is Njump?
2024-04-27 09:32:11
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HolySats on Nostr: That’s a tough one. From a phylosophical perspective I would say yes… But since ...

That’s a tough one.
From a phylosophical perspective I would say yes…

But since overwhelning majority of humans are worse than cockroaches it makes me reconsider and say no. Earth would be a better place without us, that’s for sure.

But it also means I would also have to go and my love ones too. That’s a shame.

We’re also only being able to understans this. Which makes us unique and worth preserving. This make it yes again.

But we suck. We kill each other for sport we just call it war. We exploit each other, enslave each other, we are playing God in areas that are beyong our understanding and along the way we lost the simplicity of animals. They just are. We constantly need to push boundaries which led to a great inventions and also terrible ones. The simple life is not available for humans anymore.

You need your slaver to pay taxes to, paying for shit you don’t need to help exploit other people and I could go on for hours for what’s wrong with humans.

But I would love - and I still do mostly because of #Bitcoin and other #freedom tech, that we could get better as a species.

If we can make #war and #slavery #unaffordable, there is still hope.

Good question sir.

#asknostr #grownostr
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