Why Nostr?What is Njump?
unclebobmartin /
2024-05-08 19:32:40
in reply to nevent1q…d42q

unclebobmartin on Nostr: In more-speech I differentiate between follow and trust. I trust my contacts. I ...

In more-speech I differentiate between follow and trust. I trust my contacts. I follow people and threads by collecting the events in filtered tabs.

From: manime<-mazin at 05/08 12:27

> Yes. And. Followed != trusted.
> So WoT on Nostr will need better measure of “trust” to THEN provide the backbone for transparency and choice in the algos applied. Working on this also… for social onboarding.
This is not a problem with WoT. This is a problem with 15 years of “follow” implemented by “walled garden” socials where trust is taken for granted.

The problem is that “follow != trust” and this matters even more on Nostr.


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CC: Thoreau (npub1th0…l7mx)
CC: Derek Ross (npub18am…p424)
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