Why Nostr? What is Njump?
2024-07-03 00:49:31

npub1tn…0h5yk on Nostr: commit b772550274964c570e8b0aa4771dafd2fee3c654 Author: randymcmillan ...

commit b772550274964c570e8b0aa4771dafd2fee3c654
Author: randymcmillan <[email protected]>
Date: Tue May 14 15:30:48 2024 -0400


diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 8cd4a6b87..e69de29bb 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -1,334 +0,0 @@
-<div class="title-block" style="text-align: center;" align="center">
-# Jujutsu—a version control system
-**[Homepage] &nbsp;&nbsp;&bull;&nbsp;&nbsp;**
-**[Installation] &nbsp;&nbsp;&bull;&nbsp;&nbsp;**
-**[Getting Started]**
-[Homepage]: https://martinvonz.github.io/jj
-[Installation]: https://martinvonz.github.io/jj/latest/install-and-setup
-[Getting Started]: https://martinvonz.github.io/jj/latest/tutorial
-## Introduction
-Jujutsu is a powerful [version control system](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Version_control)
-for software projects. You use it to get a copy of your code, track changes
-to the code, and finally publish those changes for others to see and use.
-It is designed from the ground up to be easy to use—whether you're new or
-experienced, working on brand new projects alone, or large scale software
-projects with large histories and teams.
-Jujutsu is unlike most other systems, because internally it abstracts the user
-interface and version control algorithms from the *storage systems* used to
-serve your content. This allows it to serve as a VCS with many possible physical
-backends, that may have their own data or networking models—like [Mercurial] or
-[Breezy], or hybrid systems like Google's cloud-based design, [Piper/CitC].
-[Mercurial]: https://www.mercurial-scm.org/
-[Breezy]: https://www.breezy-vcs.org/
-[Piper/CitC]: https://youtu.be/W71BTkUbdqE?t=645
-Today, we use Git repositories as a storage layer to serve and track content,
-making it **compatible with many of your favorite Git-based tools, right now!**
-All core developers use Jujutsu to develop Jujutsu, right here on GitHub. But it
-should hopefully work with your favorite Git forges, too.
-We combine many distinct design choices and concepts from other version control
-systems into a single tool. Some of those sources of inspiration include:
-- **Git**: We make an effort to [be fast][perf]—with a snappy UX, efficient
- algorithms, correct data structures, and good-old-fashioned attention to
- detail. The default storage backend uses Git repositories for "physical
- storage", for wide interoperability and ease of onboarding.
-- **Mercurial & Sapling**: There are many Mercurial-inspired features, such as
- the [revset] language to select commits. There is [no explicit index][no-index]
- or staging area. Branches are "anonymous" like Mercurial, so you don't need
- to make up a name for each small change. Primitives for rewriting history are
- powerful and simple. Formatting output is done with a robust template language
- that can be configured by the user.
-- **Pijul & Darcs**: Jujutsu keeps track of conflicts as [first-class
- objects][conflicts] in its model; they are first-class in the same way commits
- are, while alternatives like Git simply think of conflicts as textual diffs.
- While not as rigorous as systems like Darcs and Pijul (which are based on a
- formalized theory of patches, as opposed to snapshots), the effect is that
- many forms of conflict resolution can be performed and propagated
- automatically.
-[perf]: https://github.com/martinvonz/jj/discussions/49
-[revset]: https://martinvonz.github.io/jj/latest/revsets/
-[no-index]: https://martinvonz.github.io/jj/latest/git-comparison/#the-index
-[conflicts]: https://martinvonz.github.io/jj/latest/conflicts/
-And it adds several innovative, useful features of its own:
-- **Working-copy-as-a-commit**: Changes to files are [recorded automatically][wcc]
- as normal commits, and amended on every subsequent change. This "snapshot"
- design simplifies the user-facing data model (commits are the only visible
- object), simplifies internal algorithms, and completely subsumes features like
- Git's stashes or the index/staging-area.
-- **Operation log & undo**: Jujutsu records every operation that is performed on the
- repository, from commits, to pulls, to pushes. This makes debugging problems like
- "what just happened?" or "how did I end up here?" easier, *especially* when
- you're helping your coworker answer those questions about their repository!
- And because everything is recorded, you can undo that mistake you just made
- with ease. Version control has finally entered [the 1960s][undo-history]!
-- **Automatic rebase and conflict resolution**: When you modify a commit, every
- descendent is automatically rebased on top of the freshly-modified one. This
- makes "patch-based" workflows a breeze. If you resolve a conflict in a commit,
- the _resolution_ of that conflict is also propagated through descendants as
- well. In effect, this is a completely transparent version of `git rebase
- --update-refs` combined with `git rerere`, supported by design.
-> The following features are available for use, but experimental; they may have
-> bugs, backwards incompatible storage changes, and user-interface changes!
-- **Safe, concurrent replication**: Have you ever wanted to store your version
- controlled repositories inside a Dropbox folder? Or continuously backup
- repositories to S3? No? Well, now you can!
- The fundamental problem with using filesystems like Dropbox and backup tools
- like `rsync` on your typical Git/Mercurial repositories is that they rely
- on *local filesystem operations* being atomic, serialized, and non-concurrent
- with respect to other reads and writes—which is _not_ true when operating on
- distributed file systems, or when operations like concurrent file copies (for
- backup) happen while lock files are being held.
- Jujutsu is instead designed to be [safe under concurrent scenarios][conc-safety];
- simply using rsync or Dropbox and then using that resulting repository
- should never result in a repository in a *corrupt state*. The worst that
- _should_ happen is that it will expose conflicts between the local and remote
- state, leaving you to resolve them.
-[wcc]: https://martinvonz.github.io/jj/latest/working-copy/
-[undo-history]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Undo#History
-[conc-safety]: https://martinvonz.github.io/jj/latest/technical/concurrency/
-The command-line tool is called `jj` for now because it's easy to type and easy
-to replace (rare in English). The project is called "Jujutsu" because it matches
-Jujutsu is relatively young, with lots of work to still be done. If you have any
-questions, or want to talk about future plans, please join us on Discord
-or start a [GitHub Discussion](https://github.com/martinvonz/jj/discussions); the
-developers monitor both channels.
-### News and Updates 📣
-- **Feb 2024**: Version 0.14 is released, which deprecates ["jj checkout" and "jj merge"](CHANGELOG.md#deprecations-1),
- as well as `jj init --git`, which is now just called `jj git init`.
-- **Oct 2023**: Version 0.10.0 is released! Now includes a bundled merge and
- diff editor for all platforms, "immutable revsets" to avoid accidentally
- `edit`-ing the wrong revisions, and lots of polish.
-- **Jan 2023**: Martin gave a presentation about Google's plans for Jujutsu at
- Git Merge 2022!
- See the [slides][merge-slides] or the [recording][merge-talk].
-### Related Media
-- **Mar 2024**: Chris Krycho started [a YouTube series about Jujutsu][krycho-yt].
-- **Feb 2024**: Chris Krycho published an article about Jujutsu called [jj init][krycho]
- and Steve Klabnik followed up with the [Jujutsu Tutorial][klabnik].
-- **Jan 2024**: Jujutsu was featured in an LWN.net article called
- [Jujutsu: a new, Git-compatible version control system][lwn].
-- **Jan 2023**: Martin's Talk about Jujutsu at Git Merge 2022, [video][merge-talk]
- and the associated [slides][merge-slides].
-[krycho-yt]: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLelyiwKWHHAq01Pvmpf6x7J0y-yQpmtxp
-[krycho]: https://v5.chriskrycho.com/essays/jj-init/
-[klabnik]: https://steveklabnik.github.io/jujutsu-tutorial/
-[lwn]: https://lwn.net/Articles/958468/
-[merge-talk]: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bx_LGilOuE4
-[merge-slides]: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1F8j9_UOOSGUN9MvHxPZX_L4bQ9NMcYOp1isn17kTC_M/view
-## Getting started
-> Jujutsu is an **experimental version control system**. While Git compatibility
-> is stable, and most developers use it daily for all their needs, there may
-> still be work-in-progress features, suboptimal UX, and workflow gaps that make
-> it unusable for your particular use.
-Follow the [installation
-instructions](https://martinvonz.github.io/jj/latest/install-and-setup) to
-obtain and configure `jj`.
-The best way to get started is probably to go through [the
-tutorial](https://martinvonz.github.io/jj/latest/tutorial). Also see the [Git
-comparison](https://martinvonz.github.io/jj/latest/git-comparison), which
-includes a table of `jj` vs. `git` commands.
-As you become more familiar with Jujutsu, the following resources may be helpful:
-- The [FAQ](https://martinvonz.github.io/jj/latest/FAQ).
-- The [Glossary](https://martinvonz.github.io/jj/latest/glossary).
-- The `jj help` command (e.g. `jj help rebase`).
-If you are using a **prerelease** version of `jj`, you would want to consult
-[the docs for the prerelease (main branch)
-version](https://martinvonz.github.io/jj/prerelease/). You can also get there
-from the docs for the latest release by using the website's version switcher. The version switcher is visible in
-the header of the website when you scroll to the top of any page.
-## Features
-### Compatible with Git
-Jujutsu is designed so that the underlying data and storage model is abstract.
-Today, it features two [backends]—one of them uses a Git repository for storage,
-while the other is a native storage backend[^native-backend].
-[backends]: https://martinvonz.github.io/jj/latest/glossary#backend
-[^native-backend]: At this time, there's practically no reason to use the native
-backend. The backend exists mainly to make sure that it's possible to eventually
-add functionality that cannot easily be added to the Git backend.
-The Git backend is fully featured and maintained, and allows you to use Jujutsu
-as an alternative interface to Git. The commits you create will look like
-regular Git commits. You can always switch back to Git. The Git support uses the
-[libgit2](https://libgit2.org/) C library.
-<img src="demos/git_compat.png" />
-You can even have a ["co-located" local
-where you can use both `jj` and `git` commands interchangeably.
-### The working copy is automatically committed
-Jujutsu uses a real commit to represent the working copy. Checking out a commit
-results a new working-copy commit on top of the target commit. Almost all
-commands automatically amend the working-copy commit.
-The working-copy being a commit means that commands never fail because the
-working copy is dirty (no "error: Your local changes to the following
-files..."), and there is no need for `git stash`. Also, because the working copy
-is a commit, commands work the same way on the working-copy commit as on any
-other commit, so you can set the commit message before you're done with the
-<img src="demos/working_copy.png" />
-### The repo is the source of truth
-With Jujutsu, the working copy plays a smaller role than with Git. Commands
-snapshot the working copy before they start, then they update the repo, and then
-the working copy is updated (if the working-copy commit was modified). Almost
-all commands (even checkout!) operate on the commits in the repo, leaving the
-common functionality of snapshotting and updating of the working copy to
-centralized code. For example, `jj restore` (similar to `git restore`) can
-restore from any commit and into any commit, and `jj describe` can set the
-commit message of any commit (defaults to the working-copy commit).
-### Entire repo is under version control
-All operations you perform in the repo are recorded, along with a snapshot of
-the repo state after the operation. This means that you can easily revert to an
-earlier repo state, or to simply undo a particular operation (which does not
-necessarily have to be the most recent operation).
-<img src="demos/operation_log.png" />
-### Conflicts can be recorded in commits
-If an operation results in
-information about those conflicts will be recorded in the commit(s). The
-operation will succeed. You can then resolve the conflicts later. One
-consequence of this design is that there's no need to continue interrupted
-operations. Instead, you get a single workflow for resolving conflicts,
-regardless of which command caused them. This design also lets Jujutsu rebase
-merge commits correctly (unlike both Git and Mercurial).
-Basic conflict resolution:
-<img src="demos/resolve_conflicts.png" />
-Juggling conflicts:
-<img src="demos/juggle_conflicts.png" />
-### Automatic rebase
-Whenever you modify a commit, any descendants of the old commit will be rebased
-onto the new commit. Thanks to the conflict design described above, that can be
-done even if there are conflicts. Branches pointing to rebased commits will be
-updated. So will the working copy if it points to a rebased commit.
-### Comprehensive support for rewriting history
-Besides the usual rebase command, there's `jj describe` for editing the
-description (commit message) of an arbitrary commit. There's also `jj diffedit`,
-which lets you edit the changes in a commit without checking it out. To split
-a commit into two, use `jj split`. You can even move part of the changes in a
-commit to any other commit using `jj squash -i --from X --into Y`.
-## Status
-The tool is fairly feature-complete, but some important features like (the
-equivalent of) `git blame` are not yet supported. There
-are also several performance bugs. It's likely that workflows and setups
-different from what the core developers use are not well supported, e.g. there
-is no native support for email-based workflows.
-Today, all core developers use `jj` to work on `jj`. I (Martin von Zweigbergk)
-have almost exclusively used `jj` to develop the project itself since early
-January 2021. I haven't had to re-clone from source (I don't think I've even had
-to restore from backup).
-There *will* be changes to workflows and backward-incompatible changes to the
-on-disk formats before version 1.0.0. Even the binary's name may change (i.e.
-away from `jj`). For any format changes, we'll try to implement transparent
-upgrades (as we've done with recent changes), or provide upgrade commands or
-scripts if requested.
-## Related work
-There are several tools trying to solve similar problems as Jujutsu. See
-[related work](https://martinvonz.github.io/jj/latest/related-work) for details.
-## Contributing
-We welcome outside contributions, and there's plenty of things to do, so
-don't be shy. Please ask if you want a pointer on something you can help with,
-and hopefully we can all figure something out.
-We do have [a few policies and
-for contributors. The broad TL;DR:
-- Bug reports are very welcome!
-- Every commit that lands in the `main` branch is code reviewed.
-- Please behave yourself, and obey the Community Guidelines.
-- There **is** a mandatory CLA you must agree to. Importantly, it **does not**
- transfer copyright ownership to Google or anyone else; it simply gives us the
- right to safely redistribute and use your changes.
-### Mandatory Google Disclaimer
-I (Martin von Zweigbergk, <[email protected]>) started Jujutsu as a hobby
-project in late 2019, and it has evolved into my full-time project at Google,
-with several other Googlers (now) assisting development in various capacities.
-That said, **this is not a Google product**.
-## License
-Jujutsu is available as Open Source Software, under the Apache 2.0 license. See
-[LICENSE](./LICENSE) for details about copyright and redistribution.
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