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npub18t…fzesr on Nostr: commit 03adc3ffe9ab04e7e252e24cb52d6d2d442fbd94 Author: randymcmillan ...

commit 03adc3ffe9ab04e7e252e24cb52d6d2d442fbd94
Author: randymcmillan <[email protected]>
Date: Wed Sep 20 13:46:25 2023 -0400


diff --git a/resources/wt_config.xml b/resources/wt_config.xml
old mode 100644
new mode 100755
index 2a0bc6c52..792ce3771
--- a/resources/wt_config.xml
+++ b/resources/wt_config.xml
@@ -157,7 +157,7 @@

Path used by Wt to do session management.
- <run-directory>/home/pvn/wt_install/var/run/wt</run-directory>
+ <run-directory>/var/run/wt</run-directory>


@@ -207,7 +207,7 @@
(e.g. for apache + fastcgi module), or on stderr (e.g. for
the built-in httpd).
- <log-file>/home/pvn/git/nostr_client_relay/build/web/wt.log.txt</log-file>
+ <log-file>/tmp/gnostr-web.log</log-file>

<!-- Logger configuration

diff --git a/web/wt_config.xml b/web/wt_config.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 792ce3771..000000000
--- a/web/wt_config.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,841 +0,0 @@
- Wt Configuration File.
- The Wt configuration file manages, for every Wt application, settings
- for session management, debugging, directory for runtime information
- such as session sockets, and some security settings.
- Settings may be specified globally, or for a single application path.
- The path should be as configured in the Wt build process, where it
- defaults to /etc/wt/wt_config.xml. It can be overridden in the environment
- variable WT_CONFIG_XML, or with the -c startup option of wthttp.
- The values listed here are the default values, which are used when the
- declaration is missing or no configuration file is used.
- -->
- <!-- Default application settings
- The special location "*" always matches. See below for an example
- of settings specific to a single application.
- -->
- <application-settings location="*">
- <!-- Session management. -->
- <session-management>
- <!-- Every session runs within a dedicated process.
- This mode guarantees kernel-level session privacy, but as every
- session requires a separate process, it is also an easy target
- for DoS attacks if not shielded by access control.
- Note: currently only supported by the wtfcgi and wthttp
- connectors.
- max-num-sessions determines the maximum number of sessions
- num-session-threads determines the number of threads for every
- session process. If not specified, the number of threads for every
- session process is the same as the number of threads for the parent
- process.
- -->
- <!--
- <dedicated-process>
- <max-num-sessions>100</max-num-sessions>
- <num-session-threads>10</num-session-threads>
- </dedicated-process>
- -->
- <!-- Multiple sessions within one process.
- This mode spawns a number of processes, and sessions are
- allocated randomly to one of these processes (you should not
- use this for dynamic FCGI servers, but only in conjunction
- with a fixed number of static FCGI servers.
- This requires careful programming, as memory corruption in one
- session will kill all of the sessions in the same process. You
- should debug extensively using valgrind. Also, it is your
- responsibility to keep session state not interfering and
- separated.
- On the other hand, sessions are inexpensive, and this mode
- suffers far less from DoS attacks than dedicated-process mode.
- Use it for non-critical and well-debugged web applications.
- Note: the wthttp connector will ignore the num-processes
- setting and use only process.
- -->
- <shared-process>
- <num-processes>1</num-processes>
- </shared-process>
- <!-- Session tracking strategy.
- Possible values:
- Auto: cookies if available, otherwise URL rewriting
- URL: only URL rewriting
- Combined: uses URL rewriting, with a multi-session cookie to
- prevent stealing of sessions through the URL. Will
- not fall back to URL rewriting if cookies are not
- available. This is the most secure strategy.
- It is recommended to stick to URL rewriting or Combined for session
- tracking as this is more secure (it avoids the risk of attacks
- like CSRF or BREACH), and also provides proper support for
- concurrent sessions in a single browser.
- -->
- <tracking>URL</tracking>
- <!-- How reload should be handled.
- When reload should (or rather, may) spawn a new session, then
- even in the case cookies are not used for session management,
- the URL will not be cluttered with a sessionid.
- However, WApplication::refresh() will never be called.
- -->
- <reload-is-new-session>true</reload-is-new-session>
- <!-- Session timeout (seconds).
- When a session remains inactive for this amount of time, it is
- cleaned up.
- -->
- <timeout>600</timeout>
- <!-- Idle timeout (seconds).
- When the user does not interact with the application for the set number of seconds,
- WApplication::idleTimeout() is called. By default, this
- method quits the application immediately, but it can be overridden
- if different behaviour is desired.
- This feature can be used to prevent others from taking over a session
- when the device that the Wt application is being used from is left behind,
- and is most effective in combination with a fairly short session timeout (<timeout>)
- When omitted, or left empty, this feature is disabled.
- -->
- <!--<idle-timeout>900</idle-timeout>-->
- <!-- Server push timeout (seconds).
- When using server-initiated updates, the client uses
- long-polling requests. Proxies (including reverse
- proxies) are notorious for silently closing idle
- requests; the client therefore cancels the request
- periodically and issues a new one. This timeout sets
- the frequency.
- -->
- <server-push-timeout>50</server-push-timeout>
- </session-management>
- <!-- Settings that apply only to the FastCGI connector.
- To configure the wthttp connector, use command line options, or
- configure default options in /etc/wt/wthttpd
- -->
- <connector-fcgi>
- <!-- Valgrind path
- If debugging is enabled and this path is not empty, then valgrind
- will be started for every shared process, or for every session
- which has ?debug appended to the command line.
- The variable is slighly misnamed. Not only a path can be set,
- but also options, like for example:
- /usr/bin/valgrind - -leak-check=full
- -->
- <valgrind-path></valgrind-path>
- <!-- Run directory
- Path used by Wt to do session management.
- -->
- <run-directory>/var/run/wt</run-directory>
- </connector-fcgi>
- <!-- Settings that apply only to the MS IIS ISAPI connector.
- To configure the wthttp connector, use command line options, or
- configure default options in /etc/wt/wthttpd
- -->
- <connector-isapi>
- <!-- Maximum Request Size spooled in memory (KiB)
- Normally, Wt keeps incoming requests (POST data) in memory.
- However, malicious users could send a big POST and as such
- use up all memory of your HTTP server. With this parameter,
- you tune how big a request can be before Wt spools it in a
- file before processing it. Legitimate big POST messages may
- occur when users are expected to upload files.
- See also max-request-size.
- The default value is 128K, which is more than enough for
- any interactive Wt event.
- -->
- <max-memory-request-size>128</max-memory-request-size>
- </connector-isapi>
- <!-- Javascript debug options
- Values:
- - naked: JavaScript errors are not caught at all
- - false: JavaScript errors are caught and a simple error message
- is printed to indicate that something is terribly wrong
- - stack: equivalent to 'false'
- - true: JavaScript errors are rethrown after server-side logging
- Unless the value is 'naked',
- WApplication::handleJavaScriptError() is called which by
- default logs the error and terminates the session.
- -->
- <debug>false</debug>
- <!-- Log file
- When the log file is empty, or omitted, logging is done to
- stderr. This may end up in the web server error log file
- (e.g. for apache + fastcgi module), or on stderr (e.g. for
- the built-in httpd).
- -->
- <log-file>/tmp/gnostr-web.log</log-file>
- <!-- Logger configuration
- This configures the logger. With the default configuration,
- everything except for debugging messages are logged.
- The configuration is a string that defines rules for
- enabling or disabling certain logging. It is a white-space
- delimited list of rules, and each rule is of the form:
- [-]level : enables (or disables) logging of messages of
- the given level; '*' is a wild-card that matches all
- levels
- [-]level:scope : enables (or disables) logging of
- messages of the given level and scope; '*' is a wild-card
- that matches all levels or scopes. The default
- configuration is "* -debug", i.e. by default everything
- is logged, except for "debug" messages.
- Some other examples:
- "* -debug debug:wthttp": logs everything, including
- debugging messages of scope "wthttp", but no other
- debugging messages.
- "* -info -debug": disables logging of info messages
- in addition to debugging messages.
- Note debugging messages are only emitted when debugging
- has been enabled while building Wt.
- -->
- <log-config>* -debug</log-config>
- <!-- Maximum HTTP request size (KiB)
- Maximum size of an incoming POST request. This value must be
- increased when the user is allowed to upload files.
- -->
- <max-request-size>128</max-request-size>
- <!-- Maximum form data (KiB)
- Maximum size of the data in a POST request of type
- 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' (used for Wt form-field values)
- Note that the maximum size is also limited by the value of
- 'max-request-size'.
- -->
- <max-formdata-size>5120</max-formdata-size>
- <!--- Maximum number of pending events
- Client-side events (user-interaction, WTimer, custom js signals) are
- queued if the server did not yet respond to a previous update.
- This allows you to configure the maximum number of events in the queue.
- When the maximum is exceeded, the session stops and an error is logged
- in the server.
- Setting it to zero will disable the limit.
- -->
- <max-pending-events>1000</max-pending-events>
- <!-- Number of threads per process
- You may want to change this value if you would like to
- support more reentrant event loops, where you block one
- event loop using WDialog::exec() or related static
- methods. Everytime you enter such an event loop, one
- thread is blocked, and therefore the total number of
- sessions that reliably can do this is limited to the
- number of thread you have (minus one to unblock).
- You may also want to increase this number if your Wt
- application is regularly waiting for IO (databases, network,
- files, ...). If this number is too low, all threads could
- be waiting for IO operations to complete while your CPU
- is idle. Increasing the number of threads may help.
- Computing intensive applications may also increase this number,
- even though it is better to offload computations to a helper
- thread and user server push or a WTimer to check for
- completion of the task in order to keep your GUI responsive
- during the computations.
- When using the MS IIS ISAPI connector, this configures the
- number of threads that will be used to handle Wt requests.
- The IIS internal threads are never used to do any
- processing; all requests are forwarded to be handled in
- this threadpool. Rather than to configure a so-called
- 'web-garden' in IIS, increase this number. The ISAPI
- connector will not work correctly when a web-garden is
- configured.
- The default value is 10.
- -->
- <num-threads>10</num-threads>
- <!-- Session id length (number of characters) -->
- <session-id-length>16</session-id-length>
- <!-- DoS prevention: limit plain HTML sessions
- This is a simple measure which avoids Denial-of-Service
- attacks on plain HTML sessions, which are easy to mount in
- particular in the case of progressive bootstrap mode.
- This setting may be used to keep the ratio of plain HTML
- versus Ajax sessions under a certain ratio. Typically, most
- of your sessions will be Ajax sessions, and only a tiny
- fraction (e.g. less than 5%) will be plain HTML
- sessions. This ratio is only enforced when more than 20 sessions
- have been created.
- The default is 1 (= 100%), which means that 100% of all sessions
- may be plain HTML sessions, effectively disabling this feature. If
- you set it to 0.5 for example, that means that 50% of all sessions
- may be plain HTML sessions.
- -->
- <plain-ajax-sessions-ratio-limit>1</plain-ajax-sessions-ratio-limit>
- <!-- DoS prevention: adds a puzzle to validate Ajax sessions
- This is a simple measure which avoids Denial-of-Service
- attacks on Ajax sessions.
- When enabled, a puzzle needs to be solved in the first Ajax
- request which eliminates agents that do not build a proper
- DOM tree.
- -->
- <ajax-puzzle>false</ajax-puzzle>
- <!-- Do strict serialization of events.
- By default events are queued at the client-side, and
- transmitted to the server so that at any time only one
- request/response is pending. This scheme has a quality that
- resembles TCP: on a low-latency link you allow the
- transmission of many smaller requests, while on a high
- latency link, events will be propagated less often, but in
- batches.
- In any case, this scheme does not drop events, no matter
- how quickly they are generated.
- In rare cases, the scheme may result in unwanted behaviour,
- because the client-side is allowed to be slighly out of
- sync at the time an event is recorded with the server-side
- (and more so on high-latency links). The drastic
- alternative is to discard events while a response is
- pending, and can be configured by setting this option to
- true.
- -->
- <strict-event-serialization>false</strict-event-serialization>
- <!-- Enables web socket.
- By default Ajax and long polling are used to communicate
- between server and browser.
- By enabling web socket support, if the browser supports
- WebSockets, then WebSocket is the protocol used for
- communication between client and server. WebSockets are
- currently only supported by the built-in httpd Connector,
- which acts as both an HTTP and WebSocket server. The WebSocket
- protocol is intentionally not compatible with HTTP, through
- a special hand-shake mechanism, and requires
- that all (reverse) proxy servers also have explicit support
- for this protocol.
- -->
- <web-sockets>false</web-sockets>
- <!-- Enables the detection of webgl-capabilites.
- When this is enabled, the browser will try to create a
- webgl-context when loading to verify that it is possible. This
- is necessary when using WGLWidget.
- This can take up some load time. When your application does not
- use WGLWidget, this option can be set to false. It will improve
- the initial loading time of the web application.
- -->
- <webgl-detection>true</webgl-detection>
- <!-- Redirect message shown for browsers without JavaScript support
- By default, Wt will use an automatic redirect to start the
- application when the browser does not support
- JavaScript. However, browsers are not required to follow
- the redirection, and in some situations (when using XHTML),
- such automatic redirection is not supported.
- This configures the text that is shown in the anchor which
- the user may click to be redirected to a basic HTML version
- of your application.
- -->
- <redirect-message>Load basic HTML</redirect-message>
- <!-- Whether we are sitting behind a reverse proxy
- When deployed behind a reverse proxy (such as Apache or Squid),
- the server location is not read from the "Host" header,
- but from the X-Forwarded-For header, if present.
- This option is required to make e.g. clientAddress() return the
- correct address.
- Deprecated: use trusted-proxy-config instead. If this option is
- set to true, Wt will take the first non-local IP address from the
- Client-IP and X-Forwarded-For headers to determine the clientAddress().
- -->
- <!--<behind-reverse-proxy>false</behind-reverse-proxy>-->
- <!-- The following configuration options can be used when Wt is behind a reverse proxy.
- -->
- <trusted-proxy-config>
- <!-- Which header to use to get the real client IP address when behind a reverse proxy.
- This could be X-Forwarded-For (default), CF-Connecting-IP for Cloudflare,
- True-Client-IP, Fastly-Client-IP,...
- This will influence the IP address returned by WEnvironment::clientAddress() and
- Http::Request::clientAddress().
- -->
- <original-ip-header>X-Forwarded-For</original-ip-header>
- <!-- Which proxy servers are trusted
- You can use single IP addresses or subnets in CIDR notation.
- By default, no proxy servers are trusted and any proxy headers are ignored, e.g.
- X-Forwarded-For, X-Forwarded-Proto, etc.
- -->
- <trusted-proxies>
- <!-- loopback -->
- <!--
- <proxy></proxy>
- <proxy>::1/128</proxy>
- -->
- <!-- link local -->
- <!--
- <proxy></proxy>
- <proxy>fe80::/10</proxy>
- -->
- <!-- local -->
- <!--
- <proxy></proxy>
- <proxy></proxy>
- <proxy></proxy>
- <proxy>fc00::/7</proxy>
- -->
- </trusted-proxies>
- </trusted-proxy-config>
- <!-- Whether inline CSS is allowed.
- Some Wt widgets will insert CSS rules in the the inline
- stylesheet when first used. This can be disabled using this
- configuration option.
- Note: some widgets, such as WTreeView and WTableView,
- dynamically manipulate rules in this stylesheet, and will
- no longer work properly when inline-css is disabled.
- -->
- <inline-css>true</inline-css>
- <!-- The timeout before showing the loading indicator.
- The value is specified in ms.
- -->
- <indicator-timeout>500</indicator-timeout>
- <!-- The timeout for processing a double click event.
- The value is specified in ms.
- -->
- <double-click-timeout>200</double-click-timeout>
- <!-- Ajax user agent list
- Wt considers three types of sessions:
- - Ajax sessions: use Ajax and JavaScript
- - plain HTML sessions: use plain old server GETs and POSTs
- - bots: have clean internal paths and no persistent sessions
- By default, Wt does a browser detection to distinguish between
- the first two: if a browser supports JavaScript (and has it
- enabled), and has an Ajax DOM API, then Ajax sessions are chosen,
- otherwise plain HTML sessions.
- Here, you may indicate which user agents should or should
- not receive an Ajax session regardless of what they report as
- capabilities.
- Possible values for 'mode' are "white-list" or "black-list". A
- white-list will only treat the listed agents as supporting Ajax,
- all other agents will be served plain HTML sessions. A black-list
- will always server plain HTML sessions to listed agents and
- otherwise rely on browser capability detection.
- Each <user-agent> is a regular expression.
- -->
- <user-agents type="ajax" mode="black-list">
- <!-- <user-agent>.*Crappy browser.*</user-agent> -->
- </user-agents>
- <!-- Bot user agent list
- Here, you can specify user agents that should be should be
- treated as bots.
- Each <user-agent> is a regular expression.
- -->
- <user-agents type="bot">
- <user-agent>.*Googlebot.*</user-agent>
- <user-agent>.*msnbot.*</user-agent>
- <user-agent>.*Slurp.*</user-agent>
- <user-agent>.*Crawler.*</user-agent>
- <user-agent>.*Bot.*</user-agent>
- <user-agent>.*ia_archiver.*</user-agent>
- <user-agent>.*Twiceler.*</user-agent>
- <user-agent>.*Yandex.*</user-agent>
- <user-agent>.*Nutch.*</user-agent>
- <user-agent>.*MJ12bot.*</user-agent>
- <user-agent>.*Baiduspider.*</user-agent>
- <user-agent>.*Ezooms.*</user-agent>
- <user-agent>.*Sogou web spider.*</user-agent>
- <user-agent>.*AhrefsBot.*</user-agent>
- </user-agents>
- <!-- Configures different rendering engines for certain browsers.
- Currently this is only used to select IE7 compatible rendering
- engine for IE8, which solves problems of unreliable and slow
- rendering performance for VML which Microsoft broke in IE8.
- Before 3.3.0, the default value was IE8=IE7, but since 3.3.0
- this has been changed to an empty string (i.e. let IE8 use the
- standard IE8 rendering engine) to take advantage of IE8's
- improved CSS support. If you make heavy use of VML, you may need
- to revert to IE8=IE7.
- -->
- <UA-Compatible></UA-Compatible>
- <!-- Configures whether the progressive bootstrap method is used.
- The default bootstrap method first senses whether there is Ajax
- support, and only then creates the application.
- The progressive bootstrap method first renders a plain HTML
- version and later upgrades to an Ajax version.
- (Not to be confused with the Twitter Bootstrap theme)
- -->
- <progressive-bootstrap>false</progressive-bootstrap>
- <!-- Set session-ID cookie
- In its default (and recommended) configuration, Wt does not
- rely on cookies for session tracking.
- Wt has several mechanisms in place to prevent session ID stealing:
- - for an Ajax session, the session ID is not shown in the URL,
- avoiding session ID stealing through a referer attack.
- - in case the session ID is present in the URL (e.g. for a plain
- HTML session), Wt will redirect links to images or external
- anchors through an intermediate page that censors the session ID
- In case of the loss of a session ID, the impact is minimized:
- - a full page refresh is not supported if the client IP address
- changes or the user-agent changes
- - an Ajax update is protected by other state which is not exposed
- in the URL
- To still enable a full page refresh when the client IP address
- changes, an additional cookie may be set which is used only
- for this purpose, and can be enabled using this setting.
- -->
- <session-id-cookie>false</session-id-cookie>
- <!-- Configure cookie checks
- By default, Wt will test for cookie support using JavaScript.
- Because cookie manipulation from JavaScript is a common security
- risk vector, some prefer to disable these checks.
- -->
- <cookie-checks>true</cookie-checks>
- <!-- Configure meta headers
- The user-agent allows optional filtering based on the
- user-agent, using a regular expression. You can have multiple
- set-meta-headers definitions.
- Deprecated: use <head-matter> instead.
- <meta-headers user-agent=".*MSIE.*">
- <meta name="robots" content="noindex" />
- </meta-headers>
- -->
- <!-- Configure <head> matter
- The user-agent allows optional filtering based on the
- user-agent, using a regular expression. You can have multiple
- head-matter definitions.
- All contents will be inserted into the <head> tag
- verbatim. This could be useful for setting <meta> tags or
- <link> tags that are global for the entire application.
- -->
- <head-matter user-agent=".*MSIE.*">
- <meta name="robots" content="noindex" />
- </head-matter>
- <!-- Configure allowed origins for CORS (only for WidgetSet entry points)
- Since Wt 3.3.8, cross-origin requests are disallowed by default.
- <allowed-origins> allows to selectively allow cross-origin requests
- for WidgetSet entry points (cross-origin requests are always disallowed
- for normal applications).
- Use <allowed-origins> to determine which origins should be allowed.
- Wt will only allow requests with an Origin header if it is an exact
- match for one of the origins in the list.
- "null" can be included in the list of allowed origins. In that case,
- Wt responds with "Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *".
- If <allowed-origins> is omitted or empty, no origins are allowed.
- If <allowed-origins> contains * (the asterisk character),
- all origins are allowed.
- -->
- <allowed-origins>
- <!-- Leave empty to disallow all origins. -->
- <!-- To allow any origin: -->
- <!-- * -->
- <!-- To allow only http://example.com and http://example.org: -->
- <!-- http://example.com,http://example.org -->
- </allowed-origins>
- <!-- Runtime Properties
- These properties may be used to adapt applications to their
- deployment environment. Typical use is for paths to resources
- that may or may not be shared between several applications.
- -->
- <properties>
- <!-- baseURL property
- The absolute URL at which the application is deployed
- (known to the user). This is needed only in two scenarios.
- a) use of relative URLs in included XHTML
- When you use relative URLs for images, etc... in
- literal XHTML fragments (e.g. in WTemplate), which need
- to resolve against the deployment path of the
- application. This will not work as expected in the
- presence of an internal application path. This URL is
- set as base URL in the HTML, against which relative
- URLs are resolved so that these work correctly
- regardless of the internal path. It is also used
- explicitly in any URL generated by the library.
- b) widgetset mode deployments
- Another situation in which you need to define the baseURL is
- when deploying a widgetset mode application behind a reverse
- proxy. A widgetset mode application uses only absolute URLs
- because it may be hosted in a web page from an entirely
- different domain.
- By default, no baseURL is specified, in which case Wt will
- avoid using absolute URLs. Relative URLs passed in API calls
- will be "fixed" so that they resolve against the location of the
- application deploy path, even in the presence of an
- internal path.
- -->
- <!-- <property name="baseURL">"http://mysite.com/app</property>; -->
- <!-- resourcesURL property
- The URL at which the resources/ folder is deployed that
- comes distributed with Wt and contains auxiliary files
- used to primarily for styles and themes.
- The default value is 'resources/'
- -->
- <property name="resourcesURL">resources/</property>
- <!-- favicon property
- By default, a browser will try to fetch a /favicon.ico icon
- from the root of your web server which is used as an icon
- for your application. You can specify an alternative location
- by setting this property, or for an individual application
- entry point by passing a location to WServer::addEntryPoint().
- -->
- <!-- <property name="favicon">images/favicon.ico</property> -->
- <!-- leafletJSURL and leafletCSSURL properties
- This is required if you want to use WLeafletMap, since leaflet itself is not bundled with Wt.
- leafletJSURL should be a valid URL leading to the leaflet JavaScript, and leafletCSSURL to the leaflet CSS.
- -->
- <!-- <property name="leafletJSURL">https://unpkg.com/[email protected]/dist/leaflet.js</property>; -->
- <!-- <property name="leafletCSSURL">https://unpkg.com/[email protected]/dist/leaflet.css</property>; -->
- <!-- google_api_key property
- The Google API key to be used with WGoogleMap.
- -->
- <!-- <property name="google_api_key"></property> -->
- <!-- Mail properties
- These properties can be used to change the default settings used by Wt::Mail::Client.
- - smtp-host: the hostname (or IP address) of the SMTP server to connect to (defaults to "localhost")
- - smtp-port: the port of the SMTP server to connect to (defaults to 25)
- - smtp-self-host: the hostname that the mail client uses to identify itself (defaults to "localhost")
- - smtp-transport-encryption: the encryption method to use in the mail client. This can be "none", "starttls", or "tls".
- The default is "none" for no encryption.
- - smtp-auth-method: the method to use for authentication. This can be "none", "plain", or "login".
- The default is "none" for no authentication.
- - smtp-auth-username: the username to use for authentication (defaults to empty)
- - smtp-auth-password: the password to use for authentication (defaults to empty)
- -->
- <!-- <property name="smtp-host">localhost</property> -->
- <!-- <property name="smtp-port">25</property> -->
- <!-- <property name="smtp-self-host">localhost</property> -->
- <!-- <property name="smtp-transport-encryption>none</property> -->
- <!-- <property name="smtp-auth-method">none</property> -->
- <!-- <property name="smtp-auth-username"></property> -->
- <!-- <property name="smtp-auth-password"></property> -->
- <!-- AuthService properties
- These properties are used to configure AuthService.
- - auth-mail-sender-name: the sender name when AuthService sends emails, defaults to "Wt Auth module"
- - auth-mail-sender-address: the sender address when AuthService sends emails, defaults to "[email protected]"
- -->
- <!-- <property name="auth-mail-sender-name">Wt Auth module</property> -->
- <!-- <property name="auth-mail-sender-address">[email protected]</property> -->
- <!-- OAuthService properties
- These properties are used to configure OAuthService.
- - oauth2-secret: the secret used to create the OAuth2 'state' hash. By default,
- this is randomly generated, which is sufficient for single-process
- deployments, but for multi-process deployments the same value must
- be used in all processes and thus needs to be pre-configured.
- - oauth2-redirect-timeout: a timeout (in seconds) for when single-sign-on is used
- without popup. If a user takes longer than this to login,
- the application will be destroyed. The default is 10 minutes.
- -->
- <!-- <property name="oauth2-secret"></property> -->
- <!-- <property name="oauth2-redirect-timeout">600</property> -->
- <!-- SAML properties
- These properties are used to configure Saml::Service.
- - saml-secret: the secret used to create the SAML 'RelayState'. By default,
- this is randomly generated, which is sufficient for single-process
- deployments, but for multi-process deployments the same value must
- be used in all processes and thus needs to be pre-configured.
- - saml-redirect-timeout: a timeout (in seconds) for when single-sign-on is used
- without popup. If a user takes longer than this to login,
- the application will be destroyed. The default is 10 minutes.
- -->
- <!-- <property name="saml-secret"></property> -->
- <!-- <property name="saml-redirect-timeout">600</property> -->
- <!-- PayPal properties
- These properties can be used to configure Wt::Payment::PayPalService,
- by calling configureFromProperties().
- - paypal-user: the PayPal API username
- - paypal-password: the PayPal API password
- - paypal-signature: the PayPal API signature
- - paypal-api-server-url: the URL of the PayPal API server
- - paypal-pay-server-url: the URL of the server where the user is redirected for the payment
- - paypal-version: the PayPal API version
- -->
- <!-- <property name="paypal-user"></property>
- <property name="paypal-password"></property>
- <property name="paypal-signature"></property>
- <property name="paypal-api-server-url"></property>
- <property name="paypal-pay-server-url"></property>
- <property name="paypal-version"></property> -->
- <!-- TinyMCE properties
- These properties are used to configure TinyMCE for WTextEdit.
- - tinyMCEVersion: the version of TinyMCE to use, currently version 3.x and 4.x are supported
- - tinyMCEURL: the URL to the main TinyMCE script file
- - tinyMCEBaseURL: the base URL where TinyMCE is deployed.
- The default is resourcesURL/tiny_mce for TinyMCE 3,
- and resourcesURL/tinymce for TinyMCE 4 or later.
- Note: resourcesURL refers to the resourcesURL property, which itself defaults to "resources/"
- -->
- <!-- <property name="tinyMCEVersion">3</property> -->
- <!-- <property name="tinyMCEURL"></property> -->
- <!-- <property name="tinyMCEBaseURL">resources/tiny_mce</property> -->
- </properties>
- </application-settings>
- <!-- Override settings for specific applications.
- Location refers to physical filesystem location of the
- application. The application prints this location (which
- corresponds to argv[0]) to the log file on startup, and this
- should match exactly.
- -->
- <!--
- <application-settings
- location="/var/www/localhost/wt-examples/hello.wt">
- </application-settings>
- -->
Author Public Key