Why Nostr? What is Njump?
dtonon / daniele
2023-06-17 17:19:50
in reply to nevent1q…ay7n

dtonon on Nostr: Not exactly :) ...

Not exactly :)

If I'm not wrong this emoji comes from an Italian gesture.

In Italy 🤌, moving a bit the whole hand, means "What the fuk are you saying?"

Keeping the hand steady means something full/crowd.

Rotating left/right the hand means "dazed / fool", often referring somehow yourself (ex. "I waited for you here like a fool for 4 hours").

Gently moving only the fingers has a very particular meaning, difficult to express verbally, something related to a precious/cool/exclusive thing.

I suppose the emoji was aimed to support the first meaning, so a bit different from "ok/good" :D
Unless I got the origins wrong.

Disclaimer: I'm Italian 😅
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