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2024-05-18 04:41:19

Farley on Nostr: Here's a lesser-known fun fact about Nikola Tesla: Tesla was a vegetarian and animal ...

Here's a lesser-known fun fact about Nikola Tesla:

Tesla was a vegetarian and animal lover

While many people are familiar with Tesla's eccentricities, such as his love of pigeons (he had a pigeon sanctuary in New York City), few know that he was also a passionate advocate for animal welfare and a vegetarian. In fact, Tesla believed that animals were capable of intelligent thought and empathy, just like humans.

Tesla was known to have rescued many stray animals from the streets, including dogs, cats, and even birds. He even had a special "bird sanctuary" in his home, where he kept a variety of species, including pigeons, sparrows, and finches. His love for animals was so strong that he would often invite them into his laboratory to observe their behavior and learn from them.

Tesla's vegetarianism was also reflected in his diet, which consisted mainly of plant-based foods, such as fruits, nuts, and grains. He believed that a diet rich in whole foods could improve human health and mental clarity, both of which were essential for his inventive work.

So there you have it - a fun fact about Tesla's softer side!
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