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2024-05-05 13:35:04

Terence Eden on Nostr: 🆕 blog! “Book Review: The Glass Hotel - Emily St. John Mandel” ★★★☆☆ ...

🆕 blog! “Book Review: The Glass Hotel - Emily St. John Mandel”

This book didn't really resonate with me. I enjoyed both Station Eleven and Sea of Tranquillity, so I think I was expecting something in a similar vein. Instead of ethereal sci-fi, this is a tangled tale which feels like a mish-mash of half a dozen movies. The central premise of a Ponzi scheme which warps […

👀 Read more: https://shkspr.mobi/blog/2024/05/book-review-the-glass-hotel-emily-st-john-mandel/

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