Why Nostr? What is Njump?
2024-06-26 17:51:14
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Fiatjaf on Nostr: Instead of parroting what everybody all ready knows, let's apply the same line of ...

Instead of parroting what everybody all ready knows, let's apply the same line of critical thinking to any regular, non-politician citizen who does the same thing, and receives the same benefit of doubt that these elected 'leaders' have received.

If you're not upset that doesn't happen, then congratulations, you've accepted a two-tiered system of justice where the same rules do not apply to everyone across the board.

You should be way, way madder about that than the fact that the former POTUS has been implicated for *checks notes* stealing classified government documents and not returning them to their rightful owners, The People.

There'sbbeing ran roughshod, and then there's being gaslit. You're in the latter camp.
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