Why Nostr? What is Njump?
2024-04-28 06:52:13

ideasourcing on Nostr: At some point Gold must have exploded onto the global financial scene (need to ...

At some point Gold must have exploded onto the global financial scene (need to google/yandex it)
This is when the DSS (Dravidian Secret Society, for lack of a better word, not that RSS is also not Dravidian), shifted base from South India and Sri Lanka to Maldives.

It’s very clear, the dravidians + anglokikroaches fan anti-muslim sentiment in India, but took up the garb of Islam to stay on the QT downlow, literally, below India in the unremarkable Maldives. It’s literally all dravidians there, but when people see Muslim names they don’t really think ahead of that.

Saudi Arabia has an embassy there of course, why though? Russia and China are understandable to have an embassy there as the Maldives islands are strategic in times of war for use as an Indian Ocean port for naval vessels.

Iran appears to be the actual Islam with the actual original Race of followers too. Saudi Arabia seems like a dravidian (then later kike) infiltrated muttland. Saudi Arabia plus all the emirates, and lots of other west Middle East countries.

It is clear that it wasn’t muslims who attacked India at all, when you consider the vast number of attacks. Persian Iranian Actual Muslims MIGHT have HAD to attack due to inciendiery false flags from this side, but it was mostly disfigured dravidian-sunni-saudi type muslims that attacked over and over again. The first attack was certainly by kike-hired mercenaries from Tajikistan (just like Crocus, the barbarianism is similar). Islamic Invasions were a dravidian directed attack, by every measure, only south indian states were spared from the maps of most of the “kingdoms” and “caliphates” and “khanates” and “sultanates” etc. Neither did East India Co, do much in South India, except here and there for show.

Heera Panna mines have got to be 10000s of years old not just recent. Are there even any diamonds in Africa? Or is a huge amount of wool being pulled over everyone’s eyes?

Golconda is definitely 1000s of years old and most of the existing gold supply is probably mined there.

Jewellery Industry
Kikes - Gujjus - Dravidians - Malabar Cochin - Maldives - Saudi Arabia - Alrosa Company (not “Russia”) - Antwerp Belgium - Surat City - Jaipur - Charni Road - GJEPC

We get told stories that Africans were found by White People to be playing with gems. Well how the heck would dumb niggers know how to mine precious stones? More likely these stones were brought from elsewhere and spread around on the ground like discarded marbles to fool the Europeans into thinking Africa is full of diamonds and gold, when there was absolutely nothing but dust. The DeBeers locker may be in South Africa, but are the mines really there, or are they just pretending? Small trace amounts of diamonds are everywhere, a mine is a concentrated store of a material.

What if the California Gold Rush was also fake? The kikes just threw a few gold nuggets up stream and got 1000s of fools to sieve the river. To the end of making people think that Gold is available in lots of places.

What is Gold? It is a non reactive, heavy metal. Inert, as if it has been purified and forged in the deepest core fire of Prithvi’s core. Aluminium is light, gold would be in the lower layers and above will be all the other metals in various layers. For a lot of Gold to thus come out of the earth, first there would need to be the tallest mountains in the region, and only Himalayas can satisfy this, no other mountain range is this expansive and tall.

There are no such tall peaks (not to Himalayas extent anyway). The fables of Mayan and Aztec gold may be older-GoldRush fake stories. There doesn’t seem to be anything in the feature of The Americas to suggest any gold being there, at least not as much as is claimed in stories anyway. Plus it is a Tornado land, with electrical disturbance and constant natural disasters. No civilization would have lived anywhere in The Americas for long.

Anglo kike roaches and dravidians did this “spreading” around obviously so as not to alert the other powers like Russia, America, Germany, Japan, China (China must be knowing obviously, and knows all this) about the fact that it’s all from India.

It’s literally the scene from Mask of Zorro. A rich country impoverished by the cabal and kings made to become miners in their own land. A kike movie, obviously, to further solidify the lie that there was any gold in California in the first place at all. https://youtu.be/gdOMS5iE-mw?si=kvQwwk0vHEzDaOCe

MultiInit/Knowledge/Information/UniversalCloud/Quantum Pegging/BrianMeme

Trinity: His vitals are good. He's gonna make it. Its unbelievable. I didn't think self-substantiation was possible. Neo: Apparently it is.
Like in the Matrix. So to in the Animatrix, once again, despite it being mostly filthy propaganda aimed at just 1 person (me), The Brothers managed to fill in important concepts, knowingly/inadvertantly.

Siddharth was able to make a “pull” connection to the source, through True Knowledge of The Universe, gained by self, from the self, using just thought. As far as Islam and true believers go, it’s mostly just Iran and sporadic Shias here and there. Everything in the entire Abrahamic System is fake. But Iran and some muslims have shown to be true beleivers nonetheless and are in God’s highest graces. The last avatar was probably Zoroaster, it doesn’t matter if a new rebranded religion has been adopted, the brains and bodies and minds and souls of the believer people there remain the same. In fact the Parsis in India might be usurper infiltrator crypto jews who are not at all Actual Persians/Pre-Islamic Sassanians. An Avatar is when God Himself pushes a quantum connection to the pineal gland of a human, whether from birth itself, or later. A Pull is when a person self-substantiates and connects TO God, the effect is the same, whichever way the connection goes - enlightenment.


That your brain is not just your physical small brain, but that a virtual RSI of your brain goes beyond your body connecting to various sources of information spread around the Universe. Not actually connecting, but on a quantum level. It is not possible to explain how but, everything that happens leaves a ghost image of it so to say, a fragment, a record of it in the Universe, as the Earth spans across it. We are so old that we have probably already charted through the entire Universe. Bits of information are spread around everywhere. The more you “expand your brain” with serious thought, even momentary, stretches your brain to these pegs of information around the Universe. Once expanded, the brain does not shrink back, in every sense. What is seen cannot be unseen, what has been considered, cannot be unconsidered. So when you think about something in 1970, the same logic/reasoning/information generated by your Brain Signal/Vibration/Frequency matches the quantum information somewhere deep beyond. If you make enough connections, i.e. you stretch your brain enough with good thinking, reasoning and pure pursuit of knowledge, you stretch your brain so far and wide that it “connects” envelopes / touches / makes contact with God through a Pull self-substantiation. God helps those think-better who think for themselves. The more you think, the bigger your brain is literally, it’s the Big Brain meme, but it’s not, because it’s real.

The Kid in the Matrix movie said “there is no spoon”. It is not a virtual world, a video game, except for the control of The Omniscient God who knows everything, for Him, it might as well be like one. Everything is real, but what the Kid said was in the grand scheme of things, this spoon is meaningless, it’s as if it doesn’t exist at all.

Your brain itself is a quantum computer so to say. All a person needs to do is keep it running well. Tas helps. Alcohol doesn’t.

If God is pleased by the incoming connection and the mind and soul of the connector…

he makes it permanent, regular, a thing, for someone worthy of attention. Literally any aryan on Prithvi can self-substantiate and at least be like Siddharth. So no, you’re not supposed to become wise and spiritual just by reading religious books, you can read anything that is a valid subject, and give it “serious thought” not just reading or considering half-heartedly aka Skimming. All knowledge is knowledge, all valid good thoughts are thoughts. The more serious valid thoughts you give, i.e. the more you think intelligently about things, the higher your chances of at least peeking at Godhood. Anyone can. Once God Approves, you get UniversalCloud Account Access to get “help” in thinking about anything. Ideas just “pop out” of the ether from seemingly nowhere at odd times (the odd times is your subconcious/virtual mind/brain scanning randomly across the Universe)

I think I did that in 2011 or 2012, when I was writing my 500 or so pages long document trying to figure out why and what happened to Mumma. In it I challenged God to prove His existence, because how can He allow vile vermin like kikes to exist. I challenged Him, to prove His existence by removing kikes or He doesn’t exist. It might not have been this spark, but the subsequent 3 year long hard thinking when writing the document, which included almost every subject (not under the sun) but AROUND the sun.

By 2015 it was clear to me as well as the kikes what happened, so they sent me to 3 month vacation jail, for whatever reason (I’ll read the document again and figure this out). And now they face TKD.

I’ll have my personal vengeance on whatever 1000 10000 people in my life who have been used, but first TKD.

So, as i suspected, the Dravidian Secret Society, i.e. 1% of Dravidians continued speaking in Sanskrit, they just gave it a new skin in the form of Divehi (Div is Dvi-p i.e. Island)

The origin of the word "Divehi" is from older divu-vesi, meaning "island dwelling". Divu (from Sanskrit द्वीप dvīpa, 'island') later became ދޫ dū, which is currently present in many names of Maldivian islands, such as Hanimādū, Mīdū, and Dāndū.[7] Vesi came from the Sanskrit suffix -वासिन् -vāsin and later became ވެހި vehi. ބަސް bas (from Sanskrit भाषा bhāṣā) means "language", so ދިވެހިބަސް dhivehi bas means "islanders' language".

They invented, in collaboration with the kikes, the fake english copy-pasted language of slowness and lack of much thought or complexity, a fluffy language that requires being verbose to explain simple things. They made it a point to make it sound “posh” and that’s exactly what they try to brand traitorous brishiters (mostly just england) as. When they invented english, they also invented the 5-6 fake dravidian languages and probably also Marathi (but here they continued to use Devnagri font as a leg in the door) at the same time. They invented the dravidian languages in such a way that the speakers of these languages will ALWAYS have an accent in english. No matter how well read or intelligent or dumb a dravidian you take, he/she will awlays have an accent, it has been designed this way. By making their dravidian goyim sound stupid, no one would ever suspect the Dravidian 1% as anything important when it’s just kikes kikes kikes all over the place.

Lots of moves must have been made simultaneous at such events:
english dravidian languages creation (possibly also french, at least editing if not full fakery like english)- side by side font fuckery done to make Russian harder to learn/understand/communicate.
When gold became an international finance “thing” as far as investing/savings go.
The target of this whole “terrorism” scam, especially since “War on Terror” began, has always been Iran. There are literally no muslim terrorists, just like there is no spoon, in the grand scheme of things when one finds out that most terrorists are mossad/dindu/dravidian/LTTE/srilankan/maldives controlled, in which Saudi government, not Saudi people are also a thing. The Dravidian 1% also supplies legal slave labour to Saudi and Emirates like UAE for all kinds of wasteful stupid construction projects. Their own dumb dravidian niggers are fed to Saudi/Emirates as slaves to work all kinds of labor jobs. There are no muslims in Lakshwadweep or Maldives, they’re all larpers, simply Ravan’s lineage. If I were the prime Minister of India, I’d drop 5 nukes on the 5 big islands of Maldives right fucking now, to explode simultaneously. Then issue a broadcast warning “To All The Countries That Were and Are, Part of the Nexus With The Dravidian Ravan Army, We Know Who You Are, You Know Who You Are, If You Dare Act, We Will Not Wait To Declare War On You Before Attacking You At 100% Might. We have explained everything to Russia, if Russia wants, it may give you some or all of the information to any who asks Russia. Right now Russia is explaining to China what’s been going on (China probably already knows) and we will explain in detail to China next week, as we explained to Russia today. To Our Ancient and New Enemies, Beware, Think 100 times before you do anything.” Obama was probably Osama, the kikes couldn’t help but give this obvious name clue, they even look similar, both look Dravidian, not Afro. In anycase, the last 6 months have proven, that all those “islamic” countries - Egypt, Jordan, Saudi, UAE, Kuwait, Turkey, etc. are fake, not just the governments, but even the people there are not really believers of God-fearing people, basically they’re not full muslims, just in name. Iran is the only one making Islam look good, which is why the kikes hate Iran so much. Along with some others from Team HHH. Although I have previously mistakenly/or-was-reverse-pscyologied by Him to fool you, thought that Yemen were the dravidians and Saudi was the good one. It’s the other way around, as recent pictures of Yemeni people have appeared. MBS looks absolutely like one of the rich-dravidian nigger brats whose fathers and grandfathers recently married the whitest woman alive. Putin fistbumping this guy??? That confuses me, but he may be having reasons. Friends close, enemies closer thing. Fuck the politicians, basically none of these muslim countries other than Iran, Lebanon, Yemen, Iraq, Syria did anything AT ALL to help or prevent the genocide being transmitted live since the last 6 months. If a WW3 consumes them all, I would feel no loss at all. Iran is the only worthy big county and it has enough space to let in Lebanese, Yemeni, Palestinians in. May the rest suffer hellfire here on Prithvi and forever thereafter. I would have tried being more Muslim had this not happened. But at least I don’t hate Islam, thanks to Iran, Hamas, Hezbolla and Houthis. The thing is, it’s not the religion at fault, Iran proves it. It’s not even the Sunni sect at fault, it is still mostly the same Islam, hardly any difference. The problem is in the genes of the citizens of all these countries, they’re mixed breed niggers-dravidians-kikes, the whole lot of them, from Saudi to Turkey (it also has Euro Aryan 2.0 genes like Kikes do), from Egypt to Jordan. The problem is not in this gene good or that gene bad, as I have explained over and over again. The problem is the mismatch human-animal DNA. Animal marries animal, it produces better animal progeny. Human marries animal, it produces retardation, ugliness and corruption. Their dravidian ethiopian (definietly is Ethiopian ancestry) Usain Bolt is their own proof and the 1% DSS knows this, that they need to marry with their own to become better. But they force their 500 million dravidian nigger golem in south india to want to marry white white whiteum north indians, KNOWING full well they will be even more retarded and ugly, because it helps produce even better golem mutts, like Americans (oy vey, muh “melting pot”). All these people who are more than 51% dravidian, or way too muttified, should continue to stay in the middle east desert, but the aryan ones who want to give Vedic Faith a try can come to India (and I don’t even need to draft a law, it already exists CAA, convert to Hinduism at the airport before you reach immigration and you will be allowed in if you are more than 51% aryan and do not have a record of links with this Nexus / Globohomo / West at all. You can come slowly, in trickles, one by one, not all at once, and buy property that is fit for only habitation at first, no large parcels of land with fake corrupt petrodollar blood money, we will not accept dollar conversion anyway, bring gold, our gold, back to us, then you can have rupees. All dravidian golem must be sent to afrika at the earliest. I don’t care what USA or Europe does, if they want to send send their niggers back or don’t, i really don’t care. Russians and Chinese are welcome too, but of ourse if I were a Chinese I’d prefer to continue living in China, the government in the last 40 years has completely transformed China into the leader of the world in every aspect. Iranians especially welcome, Parsis of Iran welcome too. Parsis of India can go to USA, fuck off. The whole of south india will be a farm land once again, fed by the monsoons. The workers in these farms will be from the Middle India States who are not to be expelled. Their dravidianized muttified dark skin gujjus, marathis, bengalis, etc. will be able to work the fields in the tropical clime. No one will be a slave anymore, a simple system of % ownership will be applied to the farms, your monthly salary is directly proportional to the monthly profit of the company. Others can adopt this if they want, it’s the best system for optimal performance. Germans welcome. Italians, Irish, Balkans, CIS, South Africa, all welcome too. Pakistan is the most welcome of all and no need to even use CAA, just fuckhen join back and follow whatever the fuck you want to follow, religion doesn’t matter than much in front of brotherhood and similar race fraternity.
India should give one island under/nearby Minicoy to China on our own. China doesn’t need a naval base that badly anyway. They can project power from their coast itself. But a tribute like this would go a long way, perhaps even return useless Aksai Chin snow desert terrain.
The problem facing the world is thus the mutts - dark skin, and/or curly hair, and/or wide nose, and/or disfigures/disproportionate people, not this box of religion or that box, not this brand of ethnicity or that. It’s the genes. And i suppose it is not rocket science to use correct non-kikes science to scientifically determine who is what using simple tests. The doctors of the world, just like Ad Industry scammers, need an ass kicking anyway after what they ALL collectively did during Covid. Let’s just focus on TKD - then the ad industry non-jews, then the doctor non-jews (because all jews should disappear and not exist) and then we will see. No point scarying everyone by shouting at no one in particular in a village (this world) that has so many sinners. Mutts is the number 1 weapon fo the kikes.
The Mogambo character in the Mr. India movie is not so far from reality thus. The terror attacks, 100s of them, have all mostly been dravidian-kike false flags blamed on some hired muslim-larping mercenaries. Who wouldn’t go kill themselves today if it meant their family for a sack of gold or a million dollars, right? People are so demoralized that they’re almost certainly considering suicide in this clownworld jewtopia.
The Road Fighter game yesterday was surreal. No matter how many times i tried I would’t succeed if I did not learn how to and to kill the kike blue car (it’s rigged programming in the game, the car moves 2 steps instead of 1 and always mirrors your move), the chances of clearing the stage without killing the blue car or at least learning the anti-skid trick are very small. When you actually go from defend to attack mode, the kike blue car makes the wrong move as moves away from you as you move in for the kill. I demonstrated that multiple times today in the last 4 game rounds. It’s a coincidence, but the cowardly kikes are like this too. Or maybe someone who programmed Road Fighter wanted to convey this, or perhaps He who is the only one who can control a video game programmer, wanted to convey this to me in my childhood, since I played this game many times. Anyway, fun game.
To qualify its citizens for trickle immigration and residence/property rights in Hind, a country needs to enforce TKD and send all niggers/dravidians/abos/FUBARmutts to Afrika. Afrika will be prosperous in their own way on their own.

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