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Kind 1621
git repository issue: ngit cannot find a given naddr on send
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Published at
2024-07-18 15:06:58
Kind type
Event JSON
{ "id": "070e27f974b31e2d0c1701828c331135e6ade62546fee1829054821bc591dece", "pubkey": "70122128273bdc07af9be7725fa5c4bc0fc146866bec38d44360dc4bc6cc18b9", "created_at": 1721308018, "kind": 1621, "tags": [ [ "alt", "git repository issue: ngit cannot find a given naddr on send" ], [ "r", "26689f97810fc656c7134c76e2a37d33b2e40ce7" ], [ "a", "30617:a008def15796fba9a0d6fab04e8fd57089285d9fd505da5a83fe8aad57a3564d:ngit", "wss://relay.damus.io", "root" ], [ "p", "a008def15796fba9a0d6fab04e8fd57089285d9fd505da5a83fe8aad57a3564d" ] ], "content": "ngit cannot find a given naddr on send\n\nWhen I run `ngit send` against the Alexandria repo, ngit appears to be unable to find the repo. After an initial search, ngit prompts for the repo address, but when I enter the address, it is unable to find the repo.\n\nI am running ngit 1.2.1 on Ubuntu 22.04.4 on WSL on Windows 10.\n\nThe CLI dialogue in which the error occurs is shown below:\n\n```\nbuttercat1791@DESKTOP-IS8LFFN:/mnt/d/nostr/indextr-client$ ngit send\ncreating proposal from 4 commits:\n4abc20f Add floating table of contents button to article\n3276559 Add collapsible left menu to navbar\n1ef7220 Handle in-article hash path navigation\nc577ae3 Article styles and layout\n✔ include cover letter? · yes\n✔ title · Article UI\n✔ cover letter description · Adds a UI for individual articles composed of 30041 events and indexed by a 30040 event.\nlogin as buttercat1791\n✔ password · ********\nsearching for profile and relay updates...\n ✔ 0 events wss://greensoul.space/\n ✔ 0 events wss://nostr.mom/\nlogged in as buttercat1791\n ✔ 0 events wss://nostr.thesamecat.io/\n ✔ 0 events wss://theforest.nostr1.com/\n ✔ 0 events wss://thecitadel.nostr1.com/\ncannot find repo event\n? repository naddr or nevent › nadskuerjd9ssz9thwddren5te0wp6hyurvv41qq9yzex2mrp0myhxxmmdqgr90ps06gywary09qmcp2skuerjd9ss249ztwfq3ue8wxhlz9thwden5te0wp6hm80xyurvv4ex2mrp0yhxxmmdqgs06gywary09qmcp2249ztwfq3ue8wxhl2yyp3c39thzp55plvj0sgrqsqqqau✔ repository naddr or nevent · naddr1qq9yzmr90pskuerjd9ssz9thwden5te0wp6hyurvv4ex2mrp0yhxxmmdqgs06gywary09qmcp2249ztwfq3ue8wxhl2yyp3c39thzp55plvj0sgrqsqqqauej5m80x\n ✔ 0 events wss://nostr.thesamecat.io/\n ✔ 0 events wss://theforest.nostr1.com/\n ✔ 0 events wss://thecitadel.nostr1.com/\n ✔ 0 events wss://purplerelay.com/\ncannot find repo event\n```\n\nNgit is similarly unable to find the repo event when using `ngit list`.", "sig": "9106e50b9f868add11d1b37f50bf1739303b79a29c0d81b35d9bdada3e8819b6ebba581abbe8fe9acfcee34cb7a0f7d53ff3b47e4ec363fbee5f28253714c429" }