Why Nostr?What is Njump?
ryanthegentry /
2023-02-20 21:37:16

ryanthegentry on Nostr: The most exciting thing to me about nostr is how the combination of Taproot keys + a ...

The most exciting thing to me about nostr is how the combination of Taproot keys + a communication channel enables composability with different bitcoin meta-protocols. Some examples:
1) dannydeezy (npub18l0…y8he) composing nostr keys with ordinal ownership: https://twitter.com/dannydiekroeger/status/1625245475426426880
2) calle 👁️⚡👁️ (npub12rv…85vg) composing nostr keys with ecash transfers: https://twitter.com/callebtc/status/1625263166450982913
3) Max Gravitt (npub1ws2…wew9) composing “Bitcoin spending policy and signature orchestration using Taproot and Nostr” https://coinstr.app/

What else is out there? Wen nostr + DLCs? What can be done with nostr + Taproot LN??
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