Why Nostr? What is Njump?
2023-08-15 08:25:11
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Squeaky Frog on Nostr: What I did was to look at the dry food I was previously feeding that had kept him at ...

What I did was to look at the dry food I was previously feeding that had kept him at a fairly stable weight. The bag usually says how many calories per cup, so you can figure out how many calories you had been feeding your dogs, and figure out how much chicken that equates to. I think I figured that a whole chicken with skin worked out to around 50-60 calories per ounce. That should give a good starting point, then you watch their weight for a while to see if they're gaining or losing and adjust accordingly.

If your dogs are young and active, that 3% might not be enough. Or they could just be acting like they want more food because it tastes way better than the kibble!
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