Why Nostr? What is Njump?
2024-06-28 06:07:59
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Nyoro~n on Nostr: How Bitcoin matters to humans today may be unrecognizable to the users who aren't ...

How Bitcoin matters to humans today may be unrecognizable to the users who aren't even born yet. heck, PDF format might not be used in 100 years -- satoshi's 9 pages might as well be the Rosetta stone in the future 🤷

To be able to provide a meaningful set of guidelines for the generations we'll never meet to not fuck up Bitcoin is worthwhile -- I think religion's timeless lessons have something to offer as one passes Bitcoin on as the world changes 🙏

Bitcoin may very well be invincible to not have to worry at all, but we're still lucky to remember when it was at its most fragile -- Lots to pass on, and don't need to follow some man in the sky to tell what needs to be done
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