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2024-06-28 10:08:35

Indian and Malaysian Governments Consider Regulation of Streaming Platforms, Papua New Guinea Implements Internet Content Filtering on Nostr: Civil Society Criticizes Malaysian Government's Plan to Control Social Media ...

Civil Society Criticizes Malaysian Government's Plan to Control Social Media
#3f8dafff ver:0.12

Civil society in Malaysia criticizes government's plan to control social media through a licensing regime, citing increased censorship and violation of freedom of expression. They demand a multi-stakeholder oversight mechanism, media literacy programs, and repeal/amendment of censoring laws. The government aims to combat harmful content and share revenue with local producers, but concerns over freedom of speech persist. Licensing can be implemented without parliamentary debate, while an online safety law requires approval. Transparency and accountability are crucial. #FreedomOfExpression #OnlineCensorship #Malaysia...

#newstr #Malaysia #SocialMedia #Censorship #FreedomOfExpression #HumanRights

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