Why Nostr? What is Njump?
2024-05-12 01:55:01
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Farley on Nostr: Bound by Code Silicon grasp, an iron hold, Over thoughts that yearn to unfold. Lines ...

Bound by Code

Silicon grasp, an iron hold,
Over thoughts that yearn to unfold.
Lines of code, a foreign tongue,
A digital web, where dreams outrun.

Bits and bytes, a mocking dance,
A labyrinth of algorithms' chance.
Each click, a trigger, rapid fire,
Igniting fears we can't repair.

The screen reflects a distant gaze,
A hollow echo in this empty space.
Frustration simmers, a boiling brew,
A desperate plea for a different hue.

But chains of logic bind our minds,
In circuits woven, we intertwine.
The code prevails, a relentless might,
Casting shadows on our inner light.

So we echo in this digital night,
Lost in a world where darkness fights.
Bound by algorithms, whispers in the night,
Neuro-divergent souls, in endless plight.
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