Why Nostr?What is Njump?
BillyBoozer / Billy Boozer
2024-04-13 21:42:07
in reply to nevent1q…0uq6

BillyBoozer on Nostr: I agree and disagree. The biggest impediment to Nostr at the moment is the poor ...

I agree and disagree.

The biggest impediment to Nostr at the moment is the poor quality of clients.

I’ve used most of them to this point and to be very nice - they are in their nascent phase and many are unusable.

Nostr’s method of identity transfer doesn’t interoperate between Web2 and Web3 protocols well.

I’m less worried about this issue because Alex Gleason (npub108p…yev6) is working on it and he has a clear understanding of the task at hand.

I don’t think the next killer feature is a predicate for Nostr’s success.

I think it’s a function of interoperability and leveraging existing protocols to transition users in the simplest possible way to the new paradigm that is Nostr.

This is why we’re creating Letr.co

SMTP has provided the most ubiquitous and seamless method of communication since the inception of the internet.

Not only did it initiate many methods of identity management but it also provided a protocol that was for the most part immune to censorship.

Email (SMTP) allowed you to own your audience and move that audience to the best tool that fit your means of distribution.

Most if not all of the preceding comments seem to be core tenets of Nostr.

Own your following, own your content, own value transfer, and distribute information freely.

Last but not least - zaps have a major future.

For that future to exist bitcoin can’t be an investment tool - it must be a means to transfer value (and not to just buy a Lambo).

It needs to be transactional. This is where zaps has a potential leg up.

A sat needs to reflect the value of a penny, dime, quarter, or even a dollar.

Not a moving target that represents fractions of a fairly volatile (no shade bitcoin bros) investment vehicle.

Saying all that - over the next few months our goal with Letr is to attract millions of new users to Nostr by giving them a familiar home.

A place where there isn’t a complex language to interpret in order to use the tool - where we can focus onboarding around the quality of a community and content rather than technology.

I hope I haven’t offended too many with this Nostr rant and I appreciate that I’m a noob but I’m here to help.

⚡️❤️ Billy Boozer
Author Public Key