Why Nostr?What is Njump?
Super Testnet
2023-11-30 07:17:21
in reply to nevent1q…m4uf

Super Testnet on Nostr: > By your definition, not only #Bitcoin but also all protocols is censorship. Yes, ...

> By your definition, not only #Bitcoin but also all protocols is censorship.

Yes, unironically. If they don't kick out (i.e. censor) those who don't follow the protocol, then they are not a protocol. Protocols imply rules, and rules imply consequences. If you don't follow the protocol's rules, your message is excluded from the people who are listening via those rules.

> A softfork is a consensus. We MUST/CAN have a deep discussion to make a decision. It is not a censorship.

I am glad you did not say "it's never censorship if there's consensus on what to censor." Because sometimes a group attains consensus that it should censor one of its members, and very often that's a bad thing.
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