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bitcoinekasi / BitcoinEkasi
2024-03-06 07:28:15

bitcoinekasi on Nostr: I used to listen to this stuff religiously when I was a teenager. Never really knew ...

I used to listen to this stuff religiously when I was a teenager. Never really knew why. Not cognitively anyway. All I knew was, I was pissed off at something.

20 years later, I'm re-discovering it. But with a very different attitude. Back then, it made we wanna obliterate myself with drugs and alcohol.

Turns out it's dangerous to go down that path without a solution in mind.

However, with a possible solution, the same energy can be channeled to great effect.

Because this same stuff is the ultimate energizer to get out there and do something about all this shit.

I even listen to this with my kids, driving to school every morning. And they love it!

(Though I do filter the songs with seriously explicit language)

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