Why Nostr? What is Njump?
2023-12-08 13:47:35
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Dakota on Nostr: Dude I’m not even religious about it lol. I don’t have any blind faith in ...

Dude I’m not even religious about it lol. I don’t have any blind faith in anything. I’m not worshiping anything 😂 like just give me a good reason to believe what you are saying. Give me an argument that I can’t counter. And just dropping a book on me and telling me to read it isn’t an argument. I’ve read a LOT of Austrian economic books. Ludwig von mises and Rothbard mostly. I’m willing to change my mind, you just haven’t convinced me yet. You on the other hand haven’t countered anything I have said, but you are not willing to change you’re mind, so who is the religious one 🤔
Author Public Key