Why Nostr? What is Njump?
2024-05-13 02:11:42

karo on Nostr: 10 days since starting to use cloth diapers. disclaimer first. we use cloth part time ...

10 days since starting to use cloth diapers.

disclaimer first. we use cloth part time right now. we have a lot of disposables from the baby shower that we use for overnight and when we leave the house.

there are so many options when it comes to cloth diapering. there are some really fancy "systems" and variations. we went with the most basic and economical, flats + covers.

diaper flats are basically huge squares of fabric that are folded and wrapped around baby. this is the absorbent layer. over that goes the diaper cover which is waterproof. it keeps all the wetness contained. I also put a stay dry wicking layer closest to baby so he doesn't feel wetness against his skin.

my initial thoughts is that I like this method of diapering and will continue.

putting on the diaper is a couple more steps than a disposable, but not that many more.

there's a little more laundry to do which is to be expected. we have a pail with a pail liner next to the changing area where we put the wet and dirty diapers and wash them every other day. poops are sprayed into the toilet to get rid of most of the solid matter. there aren't any yucky smells from the pail. the lid is loosely on top and we also run a small air purifier next to it. I'd say our disposable diaper trash pail is smellier.

the caveat with laundry is that I really enjoy folding laundry. it's meditative and centering for me which I know isn't everyone. folding the diaper flats to get them ready to use takes some time but over the last few loads, I've gotten much faster.

the extra work that goes into cloth diapering isn't for everyone but there are lots of ways to go about it that if you wanted to you could probably find a way that works for your lifestyle. feel free to ask me any questions!

#momster #parenting #clothdiaper

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