Why Nostr? What is Njump?
2024-06-17 04:34:22
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Weatherall on Nostr: sure all sorts of things can and do happen... but are they, or their interpretations, ...

sure all sorts of things can and do happen... but are they, or their interpretations, useful, profitable(spiritually or otherwise)...?

thats why he lost me at the reptilians. i didnt see any function to it then as well as the whole "4th-dimensional" mental masturbations, and, looking back, it was time to close the door on that whole chapter anyhow. dig deeper. (i do appreciate his outspokenness on the fake pandemic for sure; not that i trust him or anything.)

i wanted roots, not science fiction.

i still circled around the "fringier" elements of counter-cultural thought such ad Leary, RAW, Mckenna, the cybershamans lol, - Stanslav Grof still stands out for me as entirely respectable and miraculous reading from those quarters) but even all of that never satisfied the "intellection" as I later heard someone call it, namely the next mans work on my quest, Rene Guenon...

in his work, i found someone who had actually logically confirmed and linguistically defined some of the "spiritual/intellectual vectors" I knew and harbored, certainly intuitively, but also had done enough seeking that there was an intellectual/objective base of some sort that i had worked out over the years. a sort of defensive "barrier" that preserved a mystery i considered to hold the sacred fountain of wonder, perhaps, providing a broader fence to work out the rest within.

but guenon and the traditionalist school was a most astute justification in many ways of the way I felt deep inside about things, due to early "spiritual" experiences and my life in general...

highly recommended to put things in perspective relative to Tradition.

His 'crisis of the modern world' is where i would start...

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