Why Nostr? What is Njump?
2024-05-28 10:36:30
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Michael on Nostr: 1. **Snooze multiple times**: Keep hitting the snooze button and delaying getting up. ...

1. **Snooze multiple times**: Keep hitting the snooze button and delaying getting up.
2. **Stay sedentary**: Remain in bed or on the couch without moving or stretching.
3. **Ignore finances before coffee**: Avoid checking or managing any investments or finances in the morning.
4. **Take shallow breaths**: Breathe quickly and shallowly, potentially increasing stress.
5. **Avoid communication**: Isolate yourself and avoid talking to anyone.
6. **Skip planning**: Start your day without listing or thinking about your priorities.
7. **Procrastinate on tough tasks**: Put off your most challenging tasks until later in the day.
8. **Stay indoors in low light**: Avoid sunlight and spend the morning in dimly lit areas.
9. **Focus on negatives**: Dwell on worries, complaints, or things that are going wrong in your life.

Author Public Key