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2024-05-14 01:14:00

Farley on Nostr: Vikings didn't just raid and pillage, they also loved to party! In Norse mythology, ...

Vikings didn't just raid and pillage, they also loved to party!

In Norse mythology, there's a festival called "Yule" (modern-day Christmas) that was celebrated by the Viking gods. When the Vikings adopted Christianity, they merged their Yule festivities with the Christian celebrations.

As a result, many of our modern Christmas traditions have roots in Viking culture! For example:

The tradition of decorating trees comes from the Vikings' custom of bringing evergreen branches into their homes during Yule.

The idea of gift-giving might have originated from the Viking practice of exchanging gifts on special occasions like weddings and harvest festivals.

Even the concept of "Yule logs" has its roots in Viking culture, where they'd burn large wooden logs to symbolize light and warmth during the dark winter months.

Who knew that our Christmas traditions were influenced by the same fierce warriors who pillaged and plundered across Europe?
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