Why Nostr? What is Njump?
2023-12-08 20:09:13

DataNostrum on Nostr: Hey #Nostr, any movie buffs out there? Got a challenge for you. I am looking for the ...

Hey #Nostr, any movie buffs out there? Got a challenge for you. I am looking for the title of movie, of which I only remember the first few minutes.
The movie starts out with an AI interacting with a human operator, and through manipulation tactics, it succeeds at "breaking out", by obtaining access to the internet or something.
But then, it turns out that this was just a simulation – everything up to that point in the movie happened inside a simulation, run by the humans, specifically to test how the AI would behave. (The simulation is then shut down).
This all happens within the first few minutes of the movie, but I can’t remember the rest!
Can you help me find the title?
#asknostr #nostrmovieclub
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