Why Nostr? What is Njump?
2024-02-22 21:16:12

Bill Cypher on Nostr: During The Vietnam war there were issues with soldiers becoming addicted to heroin. ...

During The Vietnam war there were issues with soldiers becoming addicted to heroin. When they came back, they quit, almost like magic.

Some form of opiate had been readily available in America for decades at that point, why quit one of the most addictive substances ever? America had hope for them that being a soldier in a pointless war in a foreign country didn't.

Now look at any american city today. Over run by junkies. Why? The drugs have been around forever. America has finally imported a level of hopelessness previously found in front line soldiers in wars they didn't support.

Don't let the bastards get you down. Find a purpose and hope in fighting back and connecting with others who are also fighting back.
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