Why Nostr?What is Njump?
mikedilger /
2024-05-02 08:52:38
in reply to nevent1q…v6mn

mikedilger on Nostr: Congress doesn't punish most people for producing things made to kill people. They ...

Congress doesn't punish most people for producing things made to kill people. They fund those people. They are owned by those people.

But the point was they wanted to force a certain outcome: 'our way or you will be sanctioned', and I believe it is getting them the opposite outcome. That they are too slow to recogize that their weapon of choice, sanctions and threats of sanctions, doesn't work anymore.

Originally sanctions were seen as a more humane way of controlling other nations, more humane than just going over there and bombing them. And that is still true. But now that they are ineffective, will we see more military conflicts arise, or will America recognize it no longer has the power to push everybody around? I predict the former, but I yearn for the latter.
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